Things I Hate

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I hate when creepers sneak into my apartment at 3:30am and refuse to leave after I tell them to get the *#$# out. Thank god for my dog who went insane and actually heard him coming in. Looks like I'm not sleeping tonight :(

I don't understand what happened. You're saying some guy came into your actual apartment? Like, just wondered on in? Was your door closed and locked?


I'd try this as well:

I don't understand what happened. You're saying some guy came into your actual apartment? Like, just wondered on in? Was your door closed and locked?

I'd try this as well:


Basically between taking my dog out and putting him into bed the guy just wandered in. I caught him going down my steps. I had a knife, but no gun :slap He didn't take anything, but seriously scared the absolute crap out of me. He finally left when my gf got the phone to call the cops. He just kept telling me its cool bro its cool.
Basically between taking my dog out and putting him into bed the guy just wandered in. I caught him going down my steps. I had a knife, but no gun :slap He didn't take anything, but seriously scared the absolute crap out of me. He finally left when my gf got the phone to call the cops. He just kept telling me its cool bro its cool.

Does your dog look like this?

I hate scroungers. Those are dumpster divers who can't just take out what they want, they have to empty the dumpster, or whatever, out everywhere to make a mess. We have big metal boxes around town to put in used clothes, shoes, etc. for different charities. These people open them up and drag everything out all over the place just to get a couple of items they want. Mind you, we aren't known for our homeless or anything, they're just idiots looking for something for free.
I hate scroungers. Those are dumpster divers who can't just take out what they want, they have to empty the dumpster, or whatever, out everywhere to make a mess. We have big metal boxes around town to put in used clothes, shoes, etc. for different charities. These people open them up and drag everything out all over the place just to get a couple of items they want. Mind you, we aren't known for our homeless or anything, they're just idiots looking for something for free.

WAY back in 1995 when I was 18-19, I worked at a Walden Books and each Thursday when we would do our UPC rip/returns for paper backs and magazines. Throughout the day, the same older woman would come and dig out the romance novels and the guys from KB Toys next door would dig out the coverless porn magazines. Every.single.Thursday.
I hate scroungers. Those are dumpster divers who can't just take out what they want, they have to empty the dumpster, or whatever, out everywhere to make a mess. We have big metal boxes around town to put in used clothes, shoes, etc. for different charities. These people open them up and drag everything out all over the place just to get a couple of items they want. Mind you, we aren't known for our homeless or anything, they're just idiots looking for something for free.

I hate every single post of yours.
They're almost totally unreadable for me because of the color :lol
WAY back in 1995 when I was 18-19, I worked at a Walden Books and each Thursday when we would do our UPC rip/returns for paper backs and magazines. Throughout the day, the same older woman would come and dig out the romance novels and the guys from KB Toys next door would dig out the coverless porn magazines. Every.single.Thursday.

That wouldn't bother me at all unless they were throwing what they didn't want in the streets and making a mess. That's what they do here. I guess it's more fun to drag it all out and throw it around. UGH!
I hate scroungers. Those are dumpster divers who can't just take out what they want, they have to empty the dumpster, or whatever, out everywhere to make a mess. We have big metal boxes around town to put in used clothes, shoes, etc. for different charities. These people open them up and drag everything out all over the place just to get a couple of items they want. Mind you, we aren't known for our homeless or anything, they're just idiots looking for something for free.

If youd don't mind, where do you reside?