Things I Hate

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People who are so pathetic at running their own lives that they want the government to make laws for every little thing they don't want to handle themselves.

Not only that, but people like me that have no problem running my life and paying my own bills are having to conver their sorry worthless ass.
They're not half as bad as the ones who feed off of their lack of independence.

I have some friends who complain about that all the time until they have something they want the government to get involved in, then it's okay.

Not only that, but people like me that have no problem running my life and paying my own bills are having to conver their sorry worthless ass.

Which does nothing in the way of making the practice acceptable.

Good points all over the place. My head is spinning.
The fact is, it's impossible to consume more than you produce. A parasite can point to the fact that his neighbor has produced more than he needs, and therefore owes those who produced less than they need, but at no point will an entire country practicing such nonsense be able to avoid bankrupting itself.

Communism isn't a moral ideal that cannot be practiced. It cannot be practiced because morally, it's a nightmare.
The fact is, it's impossible to consume more than you produce. A parasite can point to the fact that his neighbor has produced more than he needs, and therefore owes those who produced less than they need, but at no point will an entire country practicing such nonsense be able to avoid bankrupting itself.

Communism isn't a moral ideal that cannot be practiced. It cannot be practiced because morally, it's a nightmare.

Not to mention the whole idea of the government doing more for people makes people weaker.

Cowboy up! Cowgirl up! Man up! Parent up!

It doesn't help that a century worth of academics (and how many centuries worth of preachers?) have convinced them that profit is theft and those who make the greatest profits are the greatest thieves, and thus the cause of everyone else's suffering. By the time it reaches this point, you end up with groups like Anonymous threatening major acts of sabotage and the whole Occupy movement wielding the force of mob rage as if it were a moral imperative.

I've come to the conclusion that paying taxes should be required to exercise voting rights. I can't think of any other way to stop it.
It doesn't help that a century worth of academics (and how many centuries worth of preachers?) have convinced them that profit is theft and those who make the greatest profits are the greatest thieves, and thus the cause of everyone else's suffering. By the time it reaches this point, you end up with groups like Anonymous threatening major acts of sabotage and the whole Occupy movement wielding the force of mob rage as if it were a moral imperative.

I've come to the conclusion that paying taxes should be required to exercise voting rights. I can't think of any other way to stop it.

Sort of a reciprocation to "No taxation without representation". I'm in!
Finding out that due to someone's screwup in the finance office, you've accidently been getting overpaid for the past 6 months and now owe nearly $4 grand back to the government.
I hate it when people rant and rave about taxes, socialism, unfair/class warfare, and "restoring America" when VERY high taxes, increased social programs, unions, and laws designed to protect the middle class led to these America's most prosperous period. Remember, ol'Republican Eisenhower taxes multimillionaires at 90% and taxes in the 60's were pushing 70%. Is it 'fair'? No. But if someone is making/worth $200 million+, they can afford to pay 40% and still have plenty to make millions more the next year. :peace

Personally, I think we need to have lower corporate tax rates but crank up (yup, you heard me right) personal taxes on millionaires and close the fricking investment/loss loopholes on taxing capital gains and "stock option investments". We might also try import VAT like every other modern country in the world.

In rainbow world, both parties would come together and freeze any increased spending projects (especially earmarks) and revamp the tax code. Don't get me wrong, we have major problems with social-program abuse, government waste, and an extreme divide between the uber rich and uber poor. If you follow the last thirty years: taxes have decreased, the 'ultra-rich' have increased, the middle class has been disappearing.

I am pretty sure most people will disagree with me, but if we don't stop killing the middle class in this country we are going to end up like Mexico...
I hate how often the word 'racist' gets tossed around. A Hispanic coworker of mine was talking about her husband & son visiting Mexico and witnessing an apparent car jacking and they didn't report it to the police because they were afraid. I mentioned that there is no way I would travel to Mexico right now; she asked why and I gave some examples of the overwhelming violence, poverty, and my memory of Cabo with the military guards on every corner holding AR14s and being overwhelmed by the glares you would get when you would walk off the main street and she said "Stop with the racist comments!"

Huh? I wouldn't go camping in the Nigeria, hiking in Iraq, shopping in Southern Russia, or take a midnight stroll in Oakland either..
I hate how often the word 'racist' gets tossed around. A Hispanic coworker of mine was talking about her husband & son visiting Mexico and witnessing an apparent car jacking and they didn't report it to the police because they were afraid. I mentioned that there is no way I would travel to Mexico right now; she asked why and I gave some examples of the overwhelming violence, poverty, and my memory of Cabo with the military guards on every corner holding AR14s and being overwhelmed by the glares you would get when you would walk off the main street and she said "Stop with the racist comments!"

Huh? I wouldn't go camping in the Nigeria, hiking in Iraq, shopping in Southern Russia, or take a midnight stroll in Oakland either..

Did you ask her to explain what was racist about it?
Did you ask her to explain what was racist about it?
No, I asked if she would go take a hike in Iran or the Sudan and she replied no. I didn't want it to blow up, so I got my stuff and went to my classroom. She sent me a message a few hours ago via Facebook and apologized so :1-1: