Things I Hate

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Gay Marriage.
Here we go again, the man with the enlightened view on life 'IN THIS DAY AND AGE' hating Gay marriage, I mean broken record or what?

I can't respect that opinion at all, regardless of religious views. One can feel that gay marriage is strange because one is not used to homosexuals getting married. But to f-in hate it? Other people's relationships is not his business. Just saying, though I think he was joking. :dunno
He's not joking, as much as I wish he were. We've had this out before with him.

Go back to page 668 and read:

Gay marriage
Girls under 12 hitting their period. (damn hormones/antibiotics in meat/milk etc. etc.)
Getting up to piss in the middle of the night
Retail chains/Restaurants or anyone paying their employees shyyt in this DAY AND AGE.
20 something modern males
Dry heaving

...and my reply to his post:
You hate Gay Marriage "in this DAY AND AGE" :lol
Maybe you should apply that enlightened modern day theory to all aspects of life rather than just aiming it at establishments.

Some people :slap

*no kiss for you* :pfft:

I Hate Bigots, well no I don't hate them as I'm not really one for hating people and I don't consider their views enough to be affected by them, but I do pity them.
I pity them for having such narrow minded views that they cannot consider that happiness and public expressions of love (Inc. Marriage) are entitled to EVERYONE, regardless of the gender of peeps involved.

I LOVE Gay Marriage :lecture (wrong thread be damned :devil :lol)
x :peace
He's not joking, as much as I wish he were. We've had this out before with him.

I Hate Bigots, well no I don't hate them as I'm not really one for hating people and I don't consider their views enough to be affected by them, but I do pity them.
I pity them for having such narrow minded views that they cannot consider that happiness and public expressions of love (Inc. Marriage) are entitled to EVERYONE, regardless of the gender of peeps involved.

I LOVE Gay Marriage :lecture (wrong thread be damned :devil :lol)
x :peace

That sucks.. But I don't hate people either, like you said too. I can't possibly hate people for being the result of the life they have had. I can hate when bad stuff happens, when someone gets killed or whatever.. But I'm sure if Oscorp had the same life (learned and experienced what we've experienced throughout our lives) then he wouldn't have those opinions. :/
:clap Problem solved!

I can't respect that opinion at all, regardless of religious views. One can feel that gay marriage is strange because one is not used to homosexuals getting married. But to f-in hate it? Other people's relationships is not his business. Just saying, though I think he was joking. :dunno

He can still hate it/dislike it as long as he is bringing no verbal or physical harm to someone over it. I don't have anything against gays at all, just the stereotypical ones that can't talk about anything other then sex, gossip and material ____, love flirting with straight men and women to stir up some ____ etc.., sissy b-tch boys.

I tend to get along with lesbians more, just from my experience around gay individuals/couples.
He can still hate it as long as he is bringing no verbal or physical harm to someone over it. I don't have anything against gays at all, just the stereotypical ones that can't talk about anything other then sex, gossip and material ____, love flirting with straight men and women to stir up some ____ etc.., sissy b-tch boys.

I tend to get along with lesbians more, just from my experience around gay individuals/couples.

Because straight people never do that, lol. Yeah, he can hate how much he wants. All I said is that I don't respect that. :wink1:
Because straight people never do that, lol. Yeah, he can hate how much he wants. All I said is that I don't respect that. :wink1:

Honestly in my experience, not as often no..but, there are far more straight people then gay and surprisingly the ones always creating a scene in public were the stereotypical gay guys.

I honestly can also say that a woman has never so rudely tried to pick me up in public or online as a man has tried.

I'd like to think i have some experience here since i live in Toronto and the gay community is rather bigger then most other cities..then again, you are in Sweden and most Europeans i've talked to think you guys are the most femme of any country in Europe. XD
Honestly in my experience, not as often no..but, there are far more straight people then gay and surprisingly the ones always creating a scene in public were the stereotypical gay guys.

I honestly can also say that a woman has never so rudely tried to pick me up in public or online as a man has tried.

Exactly, in your experience. In my experience it's been the other way around, but my experience does not give any statistical facts about all the people on this planet. And yeah, some people are a pain in the ass. But to hate them..? What a waste of time. I don't think one should judge people based on their sex, sexual orientation or skin color. It's stupid.

"I hate gay people who do this and that".

What people should be saying is:

"I find people who do this and that annoying, regardless of sex, sexual orientation or skin color."
I hate it when people slam anyone who has a different opinion than theirs; especially when they use the justification that religious views are "outdated, silly, foolish, old" etc.

Just because you deem religion to be foolish, doesn't in any way make it so; especially when "faith in a magic-rainbow-unicorn-in-the-sky" has as much 'proof' as many modern scientific theories. Science also has a habit of creating a theory based off another theory and then adjusting other theories to match. Isn't this the same thing as your view of religion and faith? Just look at all changes in atomic theory, carbon dating accuracy, speed of light flaws, gravitational pull. The "religion is foolish" argument really makes you look like an idiot.

Here we go again... I mean broken record or what?
For what it is worth, my opinion as far as "gay marriage" is concerned, let the US government get 100% out of 'marriage' and just call everything civil unions; "marriage" will cease to be a governmental term and let it be up to the companies, churches that will be doing the ceremony, hospitals, parents, adoption agencies, etc to decide the meaning of that. These are not Jim-Crow-Separate-But-Equal laws (as someone once said to me), it is allowing nonpublic institutions the right to make a decision based on their beliefs. The only exception to this is that parents should have the decision on what their children are taught in school regarding the issue. This is a problem when two constitutional mandates are in conflict with each other.

The simple fact is that the "progay" side and the "antigay" side are never going to agree and both sides need to stop bashing and/or forcing their beliefs on each other or their children. Right/wrong doesn't have to be synonymous with same opinion/different opinion and it is damn annoying when someone disagrees with your view-however important- that you automatically bash them.

There can be a choice outside of hatred or acceptance. I don't think that is happening right now as both sides want to force their beliefs on the other. If Ru Paul wants to dress like a woman, make disgusting sexual jokes all the time, and get a civil union, let him and let the nonpublic institutions make their own opinion. Just don't force the anti-gay side to accept that behavior or teach it to their children as normal through the court system.

That is it, I hate arguing about gay marriage because neither side will win and it just builds up A LOT of animosity when each side can and should find ways to agree to disagree and get along.
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Well, unlike religion, science can admit that it's wrong/"have found new proof" and it can seek knowledge outside some ancient book written thousands of years ago by people who thought it was ok to stone people to death.

The goal of science is to find answers and gain knowledge about the world we live in. If new evidence is found that contradicts earlier theories then it will be updated. Religion already claims to know all the answers and yet science has disproved so many things written in those ancient books.

God created humans? Sorry, this is not a fact. Evolution is a fact. The universe is 6000-10000 years old? Sorry, not a fact, it's over billions of years old...
God created humans? Sorry, this is not a fact. Evolution is a fact. The universe is 6000-10000 years old? Sorry, not a fact, it's over billions of years old...
Do me a favor; show me factual proof that there was no life- just dirt, rocks, nutrients, etc and we evolved from that. Seems to me that that theory takes quite a bit of "faith". Better yet, show me a single scientific study where scientists were able to recreate ANY sort of living organism on their own. They can create virus and other than a self-replicating DNA from prior bacterium or virus, but this is hardly creating life since they required life to create their replicating DNA; it is kinda like using a computer to create a computer program. :wink1:

So I make my earlier point: science and religion are not so different in that they both claim things as "fact" based on their faith/theory.

Faith A: five thousand years ago, glittering-unicorns decided to snap their horns together and create everything but made only penguins really smart, the unicorns told the penguins to write a book and other penguins believe in the book.

Theory B: 10 billion years ago, there was nothing, then a big firecracker went off (out of nothing), over billions of years, the stuff spun around making a bunch of burning gas and rocks, over a few more billion years, the dirt and stuff turned alive and over a few hundred million years ago, populated a planet with millions of species. But only one of those millions of species has higher level thought outside of using a stick to eat ants.

As far as how old the universe/earth is, I am not one of the people who try to say that it is a few thousand years old because I don't think it is, but I am also not so naive to try and claim anything I cannot prove as fact. I am also not so naive to claim that species do not evolve for survival. :wink1:
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Negativity. People that whine about everything and are never happy...

People that make broadstroke judgements about people on message boards based on their posts about toys and who do this so often that it in itself is decidedly 'negative'. At least the whiners are on-topic. People belittling those posters for their views are the ones going off-topic and IMO should be infracted when they take it too far.
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When i chew a piece of gum for so long that it basically loses all of its elasticity and disintegrates in my mouth.:drool
Pure ignorance... :slap

Evolution does not say that we came from dirt and rocks. It says that life evolves through genetic mutations...

Science is based on what we can observe and study. Religion is based on no proof at all, only faith and trust. God created humans, no proof at all other than a book that claims to be true by itself...

Humans, nonhuman animals and all other life on this planet evolved through genetic mutations, tons of evidence. It is a fact and I suggest you start educating yourself about it. Next thing you are gonna say is why are there still monkeys if we evolved from them...

I haven't read much studies about scientists trying to create life from nothing, that was long time ago. But to expect that they could do so today when we've only had 150 years of scientific advancement in genetics is ridiculous.

No, religion and science is certainly not the same. As I've said, religion is based on faith. While science is based on things we can see, observe, measure, study and in most cases touch.

If it turns out that we find evidence that suggests that the universe is even older than the earlier evidence pointed out, then science will change itself. But religion... pff... There is no frickin evidence whatsoever for anything that is written in those ancient books. Evolution disproves the idea that a powerful god created humans in his image. Does religion change itself when it has been proven wrong? No. But science does.
You are digging yourself deeper friend by dodging my points...I am not arguing that life evolves through genetic mutations. I am simply pointing out that scientific theory (especially about the origins of life) and faith are the same.

Pure ignorance... :slap
Evolution does not say that we came from dirt and rocks. It says that life evolves through genetic mutations...
Okay...we will do the Socratic Method, please, answer these three questions:

1. Where did the "gene" for genetic mutations come from in the first place? IE: where did the first 'life' come from that began genetic mutations?
2. Where did amino acids, nutrients, and the multitude of atoms needed for DNA division for basic-single-cell (ie. virus) replication come from that leads to genetic mutations needed for evolution?
3. Where did the universe’s original matter come from and how did 'gravity' begin spinning if their was no creation of energy to create the Big Bang? (No energy = no gravity/no gravity = no energy) Isn't this a direct contradiction to the first law of thermodynamics?
4. Why do we not see a multitude of evolved creatures with higher thought?
You are digging yourself deeper friend by dodging my points...I am not arguing that life evolves through genetic mutations. I am simply pointing out that scientific theory (especially about the origins of life) and faith are the same.

I'm not dodging your points, you are the one claiming something as stupid and ignorant that science is the same as religion and I have disproved that argument. You reacted on my statement "Evolution is a fact" and said that I should prove to you how life came from nothing.. I repeat, evolution does not tell us how life began, but how it keeps evolving. And why evolution disproves religion is because we know for a fact that humans evolved from apes, we are apes, which evolved from other mammals etc... Therefore the claim that a god created humans in his image has been debunked.

Okay...we will do the Socratic Method, please, answer these three questions:

1. Where did the "gene" for genetic mutations come from in the first place? IE: where did the first 'life' come from?
2. Where did amino acids, nutrients, and the multitude of atoms needed for DNA division for basic-single-cell (ie. virus) replication come from that leads to genetic mutations needed for evolution?
3. Where did the universe’s original matter come from and how did 'gravity' begin spinning if their was no creation of energy to create the Big Bang? (No energy = no gravity/no gravity = no energy) Isn't this a direct contradiction to the first law of thermodynamics?
4. Why do we not see a multitude of evolved creatures with higher thought?

1,2,3. Do you even know what you are talking about? Hahaha, come on, you've already made a fool out of yourself thinking that evolution has the answer to the origin of life.

4. Higher thought? What do you mean?
I'm not dodging your points, you are the one claiming something as stupid and ignorant that science is the same as religion and I have disproved that argument. You reacted on my statement "Evolution is a fact" and said that I should prove to you how life came from nothing.. I repeat, evolution does not tell us how life began, but how it keeps evolving. And why evolution disproves religion is because we know for a fact that humans evolved from apes, we are apes, which evolved from other mammals etc... Therefore the claim that a god created humans in his image has been debunked.

1,2,3. Do you even know what you are talking about? Hahaha, come on, you've already made a fool out of yourself thinking that evolution has the answer to the origin of life.
4. Higher thought? What do you mean?

You are completely missing my point and you really haven't disproved anything about scientific theory about the origins of pretty much everything vs religious faith on the origins of pretty much everything; they BOTH are made up of 'theories' with no 'proof'. So neither should be called foolish.

Furthermore, you keep just talking about the Judaic/Christian/Islamic religion version of creation. Did I mention any specific dogma? Didn't I talk about rainbow-unicorns and penguins?

I am not debating genetic evolution; most rational people accept that there is scientific evidence that all critters can adapt to their environment for survival. However, the definition of evolution states that "Life on Earth originated and then evolved from a universal common ancestor approximately 3.7 billion years ago." Thus, the entire theory of evolution is based on what- LIFE evolving? What you are essentially repeating is: "Evolution is a fact" where did the theory of evolution begin? "Uhhh...religious theory is dumb!"

:slap I hate trying to have a rational argument with an irrational person. I am done reading your drivel and I am going to go watch The Soup and World's Dumbest with my wife. :peace
Religious people see what they want to see.. He didn't know ____ about what he was talking about and he thought evolution claims to know how life began... :slap