Things I Hate

Collector Freaks Forum

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YEs........... become one with your darkside...

I feel you getting stronger already..... yessssssssss.... GEWWWWWWWWWWD!!!!!!



Not on mine. Guys got 1112 friends here and I'm not among them despite being a daily presence on SSF. *Best King Leonidas shout* I..HAZ...A SAD!!

Not really though.
I don't recall ever encountering him around the forums either. But for ages I've noticed he appears to be friends with just about every user whose profile I've clicked on, his avatar appearing in the main profile page list. Never had opportunity to draw attention to this till now.
I don't recall ever encountering him around the forums either. But for ages I've noticed he appears to be friends with just about every user whose profile I've clicked on, his avatar appearing in the main profile page list. Never had opportunity to draw attention to this till now.

I dunno, I remember seeing the request and ignoring it (as I usually do with newbs). Then ran into him trolling in the Ask Sideshow threads, wasn't impressed with the lowbrow posts and denied his request.
& for someone who used the "get a life besides being in a toy forum" schpeal he sure wasted alot of time to add +1100 random people.

I'm not on that list cause I called him ignorant...
Cause he was one. I mean is.