Things I Hate

Collector Freaks Forum

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I already had a strong dis-like for them, but the ruckus they caused in the markets this morning has left me to feel nothing but hate for this company. :mad:

Desperate nerds who wish they were cool? :dunno

I understand buds, or someone who wants to friend you after a cool post, but some chump newb running around the boards and adding friends via the members list, to somehow give himself legitimacy, is pretty ____ing sad and pathetic. :lol

Ouch. I was trying to get sponsors on my profile page.

I hate that stupid Somebody That I Used To Know song. What a piece of crap earworm-waste-of-radio-space piece of crap that song is.


I've never heard it. I'll have to look it up to share your agony.

You still listen to radio? :dunno

I do all the time in the car. That's how I hear new music, not that I always want to. :monkey4
Desperate nerds who wish they were cool? :dunno

I understand buds, or someone who wants to friend you after a cool post, but some chump newb running around the boards and adding friends via the members list, to somehow give himself legitimacy, is pretty ____ing sad and pathetic. :lol

I can barely keep up with my friends who are on it, let alone hundreds of people I don't know at all posting all kinds of useless ____ on it. It's bad enough on my gaming page.
I hate not being able to get on the Sideshow site. I keep getting this:

cant connect to that database

I hate to bring it back up, but who spams for friends? :cuckoo:

<insert Maglor spam picture here>



Ads in general. I don't watch TV because of them. And I hate seeing them in the cinema or on DVDs. It should be trailers only like it used to be.
Ads in general. I don't watch TV because of them. And I hate seeing them in the cinema or on DVDs. It should be trailers only like it used to be.

I hate how they added yet ANOTHER copyright thingy on DVDs now. Probably can't get around that one either.
I hate how my _______ neighbor has to shoot any little animal that comes anywhere near his yard.:mad:

There's a Chihuahua that keeps ____ting all over my yard that I'd like to put a bullet through. Then I'll skin him, eat him and drop a deuce on the lawn at the address on the tags. :devil

Is that really Mags? :lol

Yup. :lol