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She doesn't seem to have that kind of motivation. She probably wants to let it all go and focus instead on the kindness of strangers in sending her off on a holiday.

Unfortunately, while I can understand her position, it's that very type of ____ that just encourages the kids to do it more. They got away with it the first time, and with zero consequences (suspension is BS), they'll just do it again, and likely escalated.
Unfortunately, it's that very type of ____ that just encourages the kids to do it more. They got away with it the first time, and with zero consequences (suspension is BS), they'll just do it again, and likely escalated.

Pfft, school punishment. I never understood suspension. It's almost always applied to those who don't want to be there in the first place :cuckoo:
Pfft, school punishment. I never understood suspension. It's almost always applied to those who don't want to be there in the first place :cuckoo:

I remember getting suspended for a week for cutting school. :cuckoo: :lol

It doesn't mean what it used to mean. It used to mean you basically failed the entire time you were off. You couldn't make up work, etc. and it effected your grade. It meant you couldn't play sports too. It went on your record. Now it just means you get to sit at home and play video games. It's still on your record, but very few employers pay attention to high school records now other than that you graduated and now they just slide them through anyway.

It's really too bad this lady doesn't have some grandsons in high school who could take care of business.
It doesn't mean what it used to mean. It used to mean you basically failed the entire time you were off. You couldn't make up work, etc. and it effected your grade. It meant you couldn't play sports too. It went on your record. Now it just means you get to sit at home and play video games. It's still on your record, but very few employers pay attention to high school records now other than that you graduated and now they just slide them through anyway.

It's really too bad this lady doesn't have some grandsons in high school who could take care of business.[/COLOR]

I have a lot of respect for this woman. She is handling this situation with a good heart. And I am glad to see the outpouring of support for her.

And I won't sit back and blame poor parenting. Despite the fact that it appears to be a possibility, that doesn't make it a probability.

Legal or civil punishment...I am not about that.

This situation should be handled by the kids' parents, privately, in the home, by whatever consequence the parents have found to be effective for each individual child. And the evidence of whether that happens is in the behavior of the children afterward.

My son has been tested in a similar situation and he came out the other side shining like the sun.
I don't see how those kids having a complete and total lack of respect for someone in a position of authority isn't proof of poor parenting. Likely whatever discipline they receive at home is completely ineffective. If my daughter had been on that bus, she would've been yelling at the other kids to stop. Not only because she's been raised to respect those in a position of authority (so long as they don't abuse it), but she'd know that corporal punishment and removal of prized possessions would be waiting for her arrival at home if she did otherwise.
I don't see how those kids having a complete and total lack of respect for someone in a position of authority isn't proof of poor parenting. Likely whatever discipline they receive at home is completely ineffective. If my daughter had been on that bus, she would've been yelling at the other kids to stop. Not only because she's been raised to respect those in a position of authority (so long as they don't abuse it), but she'd know that corporal punishment and removal of prized possessions would be waiting for her arrival at home if she did otherwise.

Evidence, yes. Proof, no.

My son has been tested in a remarkablely similar situation and he did stand between a group of bullies and their victim on a school bus.

But it is simple. I give him credit for that being partially what I have taught him, and partially his understanding that he would have had his ass beat for it. But mostly I credit his personality.

There are aspects of personality that parents can not control, nor shape. To oversimplify it: some children will grow to enjoy being cruel to others and some will grow to enjoy being kind to others no matter what a parent teaches them.

There are some children who teeter on the fence between the two who will be influenced one way or the other by their parents' teaching. But those are very few.

Then there are kids with good parents who go bad and there are kids with bad parents who overcome that and become great adults. That can be seen exemplified with very little looking. Parents can teach right and wrong and lay the groundwork...but in the end, the individual personality will determine which way the individual goes.

And when you add in variables like peer pressure, inexperience, and anonymity when the true authority figure is not present (the kids know the woman on the bus can not do anything to them, but if dad was would be different), those lines of discipline will get tested sometimes...even with kids that eventually grow up to be good people.
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Kids have free will. At any time they can decide that they don't want to be good, even though they know damn well what's good and what's bad.

I figure that the best I can offer the child who responds like a hair trigger to my influence is to teach her how to make moral decisions.

Sounds like you nailed that bell with your son, DC.
Kids have free will. At any time they can decide that they don't want to be good, even though they know damn well what's good and what's bad.

I figure that the best I can offer the child who responds like a hair trigger to my influence is to teach her how to make moral decisions.

Sounds like you nailed that bell with your son, DC.

I consider myself to be lucky to be his dad.
Well...they were hoping for $5,000.00 to send Mrs Kline on a vacation. As of the time of this post, the donations are at $566,257.00.

I am in no way knocking Mrs. Kline I am glad for her as far as this aspect goes...but I know I would feel a hell of a lot better about now.
When you buy an expensive pair of boots knowing full well that you're going to modify them when they arrive. And then they arrive and you start the cutting process and it turns out it's going to be a bigger pain in the ass than you thought...yeah, that.
People who say YOLO.*****-idiot.jpg
