Things I Hate

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You know, they'll probably just think it's funny.

I'll have to search for their pages. :lol
I'm going to kill the link. Guess we don't want a witch hunt on here.

This thing is taking off. Some people started taking a collection up for this woman. They were going to send her on a vacation. They wanted 5 Grand. If the site is legitimate it's up to 90 Grand.
What is 4chan?
I don't know a whole lot about them myself. The site itself is kind of like a forum with different lettered groups that deal with different things. I think it's also used for photo sharing. From what I hear some of the images aren't legal. The people on 4 chan though from what I hear are very adapt at hacking and digging into people lives. I guess they can make someones life pretty rough. I stay away from it but have heard bad things.
Well if they dig into these kids' lives and post their names and info all around the internet, life could become pretty difficult for them. Many employers google your name prior to hiring you these days.
I don't know a whole lot about them myself. The site itself is kind of like a forum with different lettered groups that deal with different things. I think it's also used for photo sharing. From what I hear some of the images aren't legal. The people on 4 chan though from what I hear are very adapt at hacking and digging into people lives. I guess they can make someones life pretty rough. I stay away from it but have heard bad things.

I see....well I have to be honest and say I wouldn't feel bad if they went after these stupid kids. I wouldn't want any physical harm to come to them...but maybe something like this is what they need to realize this kind of crap is not ok. Obviously they aren't learning these kind of lessons at home.
Well if they dig into these kids' lives and post their names and info all around the internet, life could become pretty difficult for them. Many employers google your name prior to hiring you these days.
Well I've checked the FB links and they're offline. Also Googled their names. They link to stories about this, so the info is already out. They've got some of the parents employers listed, parents FB links, and other stuff. They know the school they go to. The police and school are discussing disciplinary action because of the threats.
I REALLY ____ing hate this, someone just posted it in the TDKR thread.
Is it sad that that was one of my first thoughts too?

You just can't have hope in people these days.

I am remaining hopeful as this will probably get a fair amount of press and if she doesn't get the money - I imagine that will be another scandal.

if it is a Scam Im pretty sure 4Chan would found out, and by the backlash those kids are going to get and their parents, if its a scam they would come clean, I bet their phones are ringing at all times of the night, they might end up getting death threats (if they already dont have them) 4Chan is pretty hard on people like that, I remember reading how people get calls at all times of the day, someone would get pizzas and female escorts to their door,
I don't know a whole lot about them myself. The site itself is kind of like a forum with different lettered groups that deal with different things. I think it's also used for photo sharing. From what I hear some of the images aren't legal. The people on 4 chan though from what I hear are very adapt at hacking and digging into people lives. I guess they can make someones life pretty rough. I stay away from it but have heard bad things.

I've never heard of them either. Don't think I want to know either. :lol
I don't know if any of you have heard about this video yet. It's called making the bus monitor cry. After watching it I was infuriated. I hate that we have come to a time in history where something like this happens. I hate that little ____s like this were not smacked across the mouth by somebody on that bus. I hate that that kind of thing is not allowed now. This video is going viral and I hope that the delinquents parents see their offspring here and are ashamed and give them the punishment they so richly deserve. Kind of long but you don't have to watch much to get the idea.


Heard about this on one of today's Hodge Twins videos.

I'll be a high school senior in September and while I haven't seen my peers (at any point in time, from elementary school up until now) harass someone to such an extent, there's plenty of pointlessly sadistic crap to be witnessed on the ride home. It's died down to just a couple of bad seeds per route, but there were more in junior high. I don't know what it is about that age, if it's insecurity, trouble at home, or hormones... either way, it's pretty sickening. What blows my mind in particular is that this woman hasn't done anything to deserve the kind of treatment endured in the video. She wasn't even looking at them. For poops and giggles, they just pick on her because they can. I bet if I asked for a reason, they'd reply with some smartass remark like "because she's fat and stupid" which is basically idiot-speak for "I don't have a clue."
Ugh, where does the need to pull a stunt like this come from? What pubescent kid is so insecure or bored or whatever the hell it is that they have to raise themselves up by pushing others down? If there's some deep psychological explanation, please let me know. It's all useless stupidity to me.

PS: I feel I should mention a somewhat-related occurence from last year. We were carpooling back home from school and this jock kid in the bus in front of us looked through the back window, flipped us off, and if my memory serves, licked his hand or the glass or something like that. All I remember wondering was why. Like really, why? What thought could've gone through his head to make him think that was worth taking two seconds out of his life to do? What did he hope to get out of it? Far as I know, no one was offering to give happy endings to 'badasses' making obscene gestures in the back of the bus, so why? Just a head-scratcher moment.

Well if they dig into these kids' lives and post their names and info all around the internet, life could become pretty difficult for them. Many employers google your name prior to hiring you these days.

Deservedly so, in the case of these kids. I know the general consensus is that things you do don't officially come back to bite you in the rear end until high school, but come on now. That deadline needs to be pushed forward. You can't conduct yourself like this, not even at age 12. Heh, I was actually apprehensive of using the F-word in front of my friends until 15.

Oh, dear. Watch the video and skip to 1:23. I doubt those bullies would've felt the slightest shred of guilt if she told them at the time, but it just goes to show you that words cut deeper than the surface. You never know so don't even try it.
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