Things I Hate

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I seriously skipped the past 4 pages, KNOCK IT OFF!!!

I don't care you are LIME GREEN!!!! or PURPLE!


You're an idiot if you think what Void posted is revisionist. :cuckoo: Any person who's read the about the middle east conflicts knows the atrocities committed by Israel and their imperialistic hold on that region. Simply put, they stole the land, massacred the natives and kicked them out of their own land and are continuing to do so on a regular basis.

It so happens that today is the 30 year anniversary of Sabra and Shatila massacre.:(

As for these riots incited by the video, it just seems too staged. Doesn't add up.

I'm not even going to bother taking you to school. People who hate Israel refuse truth at every turn
I'm not even going to bother taking you to school. People who hate Israel refuse truth at every turn

There's just so much truth out there these days it boggles the mind. I'll just stick with the facts when it comes to making up my mind on anything :wink1:
I seriously skipped the past 4 pages, KNOCK IT OFF!!!

I don't care if you are LIME GREEN!!!! or PURPLE!


You dumb asses know what happens when he gets mad. And you're making him mad. <<<<Shudders>>>> All the...the...greenness.

I will not take any responsibility for whatever unpleasantness may unfold and befall any of you because of it.

You're all on your own.
There are circumstances under which I'd gladly burn the American flag. There are circumstances under which I'd commit treason.

Hasn't happened yet.
The only circumstances under which I would go that far is if it were a greater honor to the flag to deface the government claiming to represent it. I'd never do it as a protest, only as a formal declaration of disloyalty. A protester who burns it is just a jackass. A foreigner who burns it is an enemy.
I would burn the National Ensign in a heartbeat...

if I were retiring it as doing a dignified the correct etiquette.
In a civilized world, that would be the only option.

I wonder how many people even know how to fold it these days, let alone retire it.

You can walk around and wonder at the number of people who are clueless to flag etiquette.

I don't dog on people too bad for having the flag on their shirts or hats as for the most part, they mean well. I have less patience with companies that use the image in their logos and in advertising. And even less for those who wear flag underwear.

A few years ago, I was out of town for a few days and when I got back, found that my son had taken a flag that his grandmother gave to him and had it up over a fort he had built in the yard. But he left it out overnight without a light and it was hanging on the ground with the wind brushing it around.

And there was my neighbor's flag not far from it on a professionally installed pole with very good lighting for letting her fly at night.:slap:)
Do they still teach flag etiquette in schools?
I know we used to learn it in Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, too.
Not in schools. If a kid doesn't get it in Scouts, the only other chance would be military service.

I'm not sure I'd even give someone a hard time for burning it. Pity at their myopia (like watching a worm drowning in a puddle) is the most I could probably muster. There's a clear, cold corner of my mind that would tell me to knock them out and then break their fingers while they were down, such that they couldn't wipe their own ass for a year. But, that would never make it to the foreground. I have a fairly balanced perspective on it. I don't think it's their fault that they don't understand.

Same goes for basic etiquette. For most people, the spirit is still there. I bet more often than not, people who fly Her to begin with would jump at the chance to learn how She's supposed to be treated.
@gibby.......Not that I know of. They're just lucky half the kids even show up for school these days. The parents don't care.
I dunno. Let's not forget its also a tv show. I don't consider OCD to be a mental problem. A good or bad habit derives from either being energetic or lazy. Just my 2 cents.

I do agree that some people DO suffer from mental problems though.

If you're serious, you need to do some research. You statement boarders on toxic.
Pfffttt Iran is not going to attack them first, hell it was Israel that developed nukes first and did that for years behind your country's back mind you, while stealing more land from, Americans can cheer death to Islam all they want, really they are just puppets under Zionist controlled government.

I'm not sticking up for Iran 100% but, Israel are not exactly the good guys regarding this whole mess.

Did I really just read that? :lol

And I heard the Zionists have returned to Mars. It's molting season.
