Things I Hate

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Last paragraph is completely f-cked:
Belgium is now looking at introducing a legal amendment that would allow children and those with dementia the option of seeking permission to die. If passed later this year, the option of euthanasia will be extended to minors affected by an incurable illness, or suffering that cannot be alleviated.

Re-read that and just let it sink in. So much is wrong there.

On a shallower note:

I hate that this guy
shares the same name as this guy
. It makes a google search very difficult. :mad
Last paragraph is completely f-cked:

Re-read that and just let it sink in. So much is wrong there.


I believe those twins had all the right to do what they did. It was their decision and unless faced with it, I won't judge.

As for children and dementia patients, well, I don't know about that. I'm not sure how either could make a decision for themselves. I'm assuming they're talking about final stages of diseases.
On a shallower note:

I hate that this guy
shares the same name as this guy
. It makes a google search very difficult. :mad

I've had that happen to me so you have to refine your search and even that doesn't help sometimes.

Do that SF Brian Wilson realize how fugly he looks with that beard? :lol
I hate that my facebook newsfeed is blowing up with people saying Sandy Hook is a conspiracy after watching ONE video that apparently must have went viral today. Got to love these conspiracy theorists. Though the thing that bothers me is multiple people on my facebook claiming because the ambulances aren't parked right next to the school they were in on it. Well glad they can talk about something that they have no idea about. I worked on a ambulance for years and the number one rule is do not enter a scene if it has not been completely secured. People are ****ing idiots.
I hate that my facebook newsfeed is blowing up with people saying Sandy Hook is a conspiracy after watching ONE video that apparently must have went viral today. Got to love these conspiracy theorists. Though the thing that bothers me is multiple people on my facebook claiming because the ambulances aren't parked right next to the school they were in on it. Well glad they can talk about something that they have no idea about. I worked on a ambulance for years and the number one rule is do not enter a scene if it has not been completely secured. People are ****ing idiots.

Haven't you heard? Obama gave people mind altering drugs to kill those kids so he could take away people's guns! :slap
Haven't you heard? Obama gave people mind altering drugs to kill those kids so he could take away people's guns! :slap

Guess I didn't hear about that! :slap but seriously people are out right saying it's all fake. How do you get a entire town to fake this? People are unbelievable.
In general I hate conspiracy theories. There are people in this world that can never accept any fact given to them without seeing a sinister plot at work.
I hate that my facebook newsfeed is blowing up with people saying Sandy Hook is a conspiracy after watching ONE video that apparently must have went viral today. Got to love these conspiracy theorists. Though the thing that bothers me is multiple people on my facebook claiming because the ambulances aren't parked right next to the school they were in on it. Well glad they can talk about something that they have no idea about. I worked on a ambulance for years and the number one rule is do not enter a scene if it has not been completely secured. People are ****ing idiots.

It's especially hard considering it took the police 20 minutes to respond. So likely the EMTs, and Fire arrived on scene while the cops were still finishing up their grande frappuccinos and arguing over who was gonna take the call.
Haven't you heard? Obama gave people mind altering drugs to kill those kids so he could take away people's guns! :slap

Guess I didn't hear about that! :slap but seriously people are out right saying it's all fake. How do you get a entire town to fake this? People are unbelievable.

In general I hate conspiracy theories. There are people in this world that can never accept any fact given to them without seeing a sinister plot at work.

Conspiracy theories are pretty stupid but the only thing that those videos made me wonder about was the memorial pages made for victims hours before they died. that was kinda weird if it was true. Probably fake but then what about the second guy in handcuffs? or the rifle found in the trunk? If all that is fake for the conspiracy video they are pretty sick.
Conspiracy theories are pretty stupid but the only thing that those videos made me wonder about was the memorial pages made for victims hours before they died. that was kinda weird if it was true. Probably fake but then what about the second guy in handcuffs? or the rifle found in the trunk? If all that is fake for the conspiracy video they are pretty sick.

For one thing, anyone that they found in the vicinity they were going to take down and ask questions later. A few people were held and questioned, then let go.

As for anything else, the media was getting thing all wrong from the get go. That's what they do. They're trying to get the story first. Who cares if it's wrong? And just because this person says something happened, doesn't mean it did.

Alot of this is just being put out by people who hate the government or Obama. As much as I disliked Bush I never believed he causes 9/11.

It's all just BS.
For one thing, anyone that they found in the vicinity they were going to take down and ask questions later. A few people were held and questioned, then let go.

As for anything else, the media was getting thing all wrong from the get go. That's what they do. They're trying to get the story first. Who cares if it's wrong? And just because this person says something happened, doesn't mean it did.

Alot of this is just being put out by people who hate the government or Obama. As much as I disliked Bush I never believed he causes 9/11.

It's all just BS.

yeah, that whole video was just so weird. Can't believe someone would take their time to take this and make it a conspiracy. :slap
Have you seen the 'documentary' Spare Change? Nothing new. Nothing surprising.

"Everybody's so full of ****." -Perry Farrell

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