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I just hope he actually follows through and runs (he hasn't filed his paperwork, yet, as far as I know). Have a feeling he'll back out before the deadline. He's a clown but he'd make the race interesting and they wouldn't be able to shut him out of debates like they can w/most joke candidates. :lol
I haven't seen a serious candidate yet. The fact that lobbyists won't be financing his campaign already puts him miles ahead of everyone.

Maybe Clinton will pay for her own...although I have to wonder how much of her personal fortune is not from one of inumerable special interests.
Hey hey hey, if Donald trump can go from nothing to a fortune 500 company I believe the man is legit... besides the hair comb over. Most of the influential presidents we have ever had were men of power through actions. Lincoln, Roosevelt, FD Roosevelt, Truman, Carter. All great men by their actions.

Lincoln deestablished slavery and made a union. Past life a lawyer.

Roosevelt led infrastructure and built America up industrialization. Past life a Calvary Horsemen who led against plains Indians.

FD Roosevelt got us out of depression and led the frontier of WW2. Life past secretary of navy.

Truman continued Roosevelt's legacy.

Carter innovated in incorporating new ways of energy.
He forgot to mention that Trump filed for bankruptcy 4 times, wanting taxpayers to bail him out of his debts.
See what I did there... I praised the man to get y'all to comment hate. I win. Reverse Pysch. :rock