Things I Hate

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I hate that I came home with the new Batman game for xbox one at 11am and it's almost 1pm and I've yet to be able to play the game. At first the xbox needed to download the game and I thought I'd be able to play after waiting an hour. I was able to get in and now it's downloading game data which has taken 45 minutes to get to 32%.

you know what I really hate? when people complain about being single and feel sad, yet they sleep with a different person every month...
two friends are doing this a lot lately. one girl and one guy, they pretty much say the same thing, they are tired of being alone and they are getting depressed, they dont want to end up being "cat ladies" and just feel so sad, but then they go to the club and sleep with whatever guy they meet.... what the hell lol :lol
they get all this weird sympathy on facebook and people always say "oh there is always someone out there you have to be patient" meanwhile they each are jumping on the next guy while being depressed about loneliness... does that make any sense?

Well, at least for that time being, they aren't alone.
Wrote a check for the appraise of the house and they never cash it. She confirm they received it but haven't cash it yet. Guess they don't want the money.

Went to the bank for a small loan....guy says he'll email....never got a call, a week later.
Call to schedule a meeting for Saturday....arrive Saturday and they have no idea it was scheduled.
Finally talked to the financial woman and she said she'll call Monday.....never get a call and its 2 weeks now.

Is there a conspiracy of not taking Mr. Green's money? Or is there propaganda against Mr. Green going on? Hmmm.
you know what I really hate? when people complain about being single and feel sad, yet they sleep with a different person every month...
two friends are doing this a lot lately. one girl and one guy, they pretty much say the same thing, they are tired of being alone and they are getting depressed, they dont want to end up being "cat ladies" and just feel so sad, but then they go to the club and sleep with whatever guy they meet.... what the hell lol :lol
they get all this weird sympathy on facebook and people always say "oh there is always someone out there you have to be patient" meanwhile they each are jumping on the next guy while being depressed about loneliness... does that make any sense?

Just 'cause you're getting laid doesn't mean you're not lonely :dunno
Just 'cause you're getting laid doesn't mean you're not lonely :dunno

my friend's flatmate broke up with her bf of 6 years and hasn't really recovered.
law student, honor roll, coping well with OJT but kinda self destructive at night, no drugs or alcohol involved. sleeps with random guys...
flatmate's friend included. :monkey3
So she laid one down?

She must've. :lol

Anyway, all fixed. I tried a trick I heard about but never tried. I put a bunch of dishwashing soap in it and hot water and let it sit for about a half an hour then added more hot water really fast. Took it right out. :)
A few weeks ago I mentioned a neighbor that didn't know how to take care of their dog, and would leave him chained in the backyard around a tree while they were gone (which was overnight many times). He would accidentally wrap his chain around the tree and only have 3-4 feet of movement.

Well, he's no longer there. So it looks like they got rid of him, just like their last dog. I hope he found a good home and they didn't just dump him somewhere. He was less than a year old, also like their previous dog. I swear if they get another ****ing dog...