Things I Hate

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Lol. The Founders may have had Christian inclinations, but it's not where they got their political ideas. No religion has a right or reason to be represented on U.S. government property.

Public money is spent every day as part art grants issued from federal money. Much of this money is also used to make art that comments on religion in controversial ways. This is protected as free speech repeatedly in court. Often times the art is displayed on public grounds. So let's be consistent.

If the artwork is a landmark or historically significant it should be protected.

This is what happens when easily offended people decide to start destroying landmarks of religions they don't like:

Because they couldn't come up with any other reason for people to trust the liquidity of currency backed by the full faith and credit of the federal government.

"Can I exchange this for gold?"


"How do I know it's worth two ****s?"

"Because we trust in God, and you should too."


:lol I'm to the point of if I get a lump sum to buy gold and say **** the dollar. I'll get Zurich to hold it.
Public money is spent every day as part art grants issued from federal money. Much of this money is also used to make art that comments on religion in controversial ways. This is protected as free speech repeatedly in court. Often times the art is displayed on public grounds. So let's be consistent.

If the artwork is a landmark or historically significant it should be protected.

This is what happens when easily offended people decide to start destroying landmarks of religions they don't like:


That's what the goat statue people were saying

I would like to see the goat be put up to be honest lol
Public money is spent every day as part art grants issued from federal money. Much of this money is also used to make art that comments on religion in controversial ways. This is protected as free speech repeatedly in court. Often times the art is displayed on public grounds. So let's be consistent.

If the artwork is a landmark or historically significant it should be protected.

This is what happens when easily offended people decide to start destroying landmarks of religions they don't like:


I totally agree, and I think that picture is a such a shame. :(
I hate the heat!

Still prefer this to the deathly cold of winter, though. I detest winter and snow like nothing else.
I hate the heat!

Still prefer this to the deathly cold of winter, though. I detest winter and snow like nothing else.

We don't have a lot of heat. The warmest it will be the next 5 days is 81. It's humid though with all this wetness.
Public money is spent every day as part art grants issued from federal money. Much of this money is also used to make art that comments on religion in controversial ways. This is protected as free speech repeatedly in court. Often times the art is displayed on public grounds. So let's be consistent.

I hold the same position on governmental sponsorship of art as I do with governmental sponsorship of religion. Both amount to the endorsement of values and an institution whose purpose is to protect the rights of individuals to choose and pursue their own values should no more favor one over another than it should persecute.

Kamandi said:
If the artwork is a landmark or historically significant it should be protected.

This is what happens when easily offended people decide to start destroying landmarks of religions they don't like:


You don't need governmental endorsement to protect what people value enough to invest with preservation. You just need inviolable property rights. I would argue that the Taliban razing Buddhist art is what happens when zealotry convinces the faithful to impose their values by force (which is the essence of governmental power, for good or ill).
We're suppose to get 2" in a 6 hour period of time today, then more Saturday and Sunday. Too bad we can't syphon it off and send it to California.
Somebody make this rain stop! I have a moat around my house and a lot of streets and highways are closed around my town, and it just keeps coming. So sick of it. More for Sunday and beyond. Give me snow any day.