Things I Hate

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haven't posted here in a while because I didn't have something I hated. But this garbage... jesus :lol

sorry men, you are not worth any attention from women unless you have a worthless piece of paper from a school
(Or why more women are single because there aren't enough "GOOD" men left) :lol

It's Not Your Imagination, Single Women: There Literally Aren't Enough Men Out There | VICE | United States

There simply aren't enough college-educated men to go around. For every four college-educated women in my generation, there are three college-educated men. The result? What Birger calls a "musical chairs" of the heart: As the men pair off with partners, unpartnered straight women are left with fewer and fewer options—and millions of them are eventually left with no options at all.
Got a letter from Best Buy a week ago. Basically, someone tried to apply for their credit card using Mr. Green's name. It's a turn down letter. The data entered probably didn't match Equifax Credit Information Service. So many bad people out there.
haven't posted here in a while because I didn't have something I hated. But this garbage... jesus :lol

sorry men, you are not worth any attention from women unless you have a worthless piece of paper from a school
(Or why more women are single because there aren't enough "GOOD" men left) :lol

It's Not Your Imagination, Single Women: There Literally Aren't Enough Men Out There | VICE | United States

There are more women then men in the world, period.

And you missed the point they're making.

Anyhow, most college degreed PEOPLE aren't going to marry the homeless, hookers or people who work at McD's. That's just life.
I hate getting in a car accident. Long night. Started off so good too but those damn full moon.

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There are more women then men in the world, period.

and girls are making their lives even more miserable by not dating anyone that has the same level of education than them (which is very petty, yet they complain about loneliness) making their dating pool a lot smaller than it already is

And you missed the point they're making.

the point being that... these amazing intelligent extraordinary Katherine Heigl women are reaching their mid 30s/ early 40s alone and single because they are too picky? or that they won't date people "below" them? (or that if a guy wants an amazing "Katherine Heigl" woman he has to have a university degree?)
wasn't that the point?
(the article doesn't even talk about income or if the guy has a high paying job or not, It is just about not dating guys that didn't go to college or Uni)

Anyhow, most college degreed PEOPLE aren't going to marry the homeless, hookers or people who work at McD's. That's just life.

guys do, a doctor won't have a problem marrying a waitress if he find her attractive. (Might not happen often, but it does)
about the homeless example, you have people that joined the army, people that went to trade schools, AC repairmen, mechanics, electricians, people that build their own businesses, people that own restaurants. (artists, painters, musicians, dancers)
None of these sound like homeless or hookers to me lol :dunno
(Sometimes these kind of people earn MORE than the college educated ones)

from some of the links posted on that story, I came across something like 60% of guy doctors will only marry other doctors, (40% will marry whoever they meet)
but 85% of lady doctors go for other doctors or highly educated guys, leaving 15% of doctor women to date outside their career. and it comes as a shock to no one that a lot of lady doctors are single and alone and miserable because most of the other male doctors are taken lol :lol
and girls are making their lives even more miserable by not dating anyone that has the same level of education than them (which is very petty, yet they complain about loneliness) making their dating pool a lot smaller than it already is

the point being that... these amazing intelligent extraordinary Katherine Heigl women are reaching their mid 30s/ early 40s alone and single because they are too picky? or that they won't date people "below" them? (or that if a guy wants an amazing "Katherine Heigl" woman he has to have a university degree?)
wasn't that the point?
(the article doesn't even talk about income or if the guy has a high paying job or not, It is just about not dating guys that didn't go to college or Uni)

guys do, a doctor won't have a problem marrying a waitress if he find her attractive. (Might not happen often, but it does)
about the homeless example, you have people that joined the army, people that went to trade schools, AC repairmen, mechanics, electricians, people that build their own businesses, people that own restaurants. (artists, painters, musicians, dancers)
None of these sound like homeless or hookers to me lol :dunno
(Sometimes these kind of people earn MORE than the college educated ones)

from some of the links posted on that story, I came across something like 60% of guy doctors will only marry other doctors, (40% will marry whoever they meet)
but 85% of lady doctors go for other doctors or highly educated guys, leaving 15% of doctor women to date outside their career. and it comes as a shock to no one that a lot of lady doctors are single and alone and miserable because most of the other male doctors are taken lol :lol

Why do you even care?

Sometimes I have to wonder by the things that you post like this is that you're blaming women for you being single. Or that you use women being "picky" as an excuse. Most people marry on their same level pretty much. Maybe it's you that are being too picky? Maybe you have "Pretty Woman" syndrome?

I'm not trying to be mean or anything, just wondering.

This. There are woman that waste their time with arguing this. In the meantime, since I watched The Muppet Show as a child I didn't like Miss Piggy. She's not a strong female--she's an abusive, manipulative, entitled, horrible example of any female personality and yet there are women that flock to her because she's fat.

As ridiculous as women believe men are, women are quickly catching up.

This. There are woman that waste their time with arguing this. In the meantime, since I watched The Muppet Show as a child I didn't like Miss Piggy. She's not a strong female--she's an abusive, manipulative, entitled, horrible example of any female personality and yet there are women that flock to her because she's fat.

As ridiculous as women believe men are, women are quickly catching up.

Some people overthink things these days. Women, and men. Most could give two ****s about Miss Piggy and Kermit. And some just like to ***** to hear, or see, themselves *****.
Been that way since the dawn of time and will always be there. :wave

Well we can genetically change ourselves to self replicate like a lizard and thus become the lizard people. Doubts people would give up sex. There's an article that says that it is better this way as both gender allow the gene pool to cover the other gender if say one is corrupted. And/or allow room for mutation. The lizard population, although can multiply quickly, would have a tough chances against say disease, climate change, etc. On the other hand, there is such a thing as a virgin birth in human; very much like how some species, say shark and certain mammal, give virgin birth. But ah, the beauty that is life, hehe.
My father graduated with Masters degrees in physics and mathematics, and he married my mom who only graduated high-school. My two uncles on my mom's side both graduated with degrees in Engineering and married high-school drop outs.

On the flip-side, I have a missionary friend from my old church, who had bad grades throughout high school, never went to college, but he married this chick with a Masters degree in Nuclear Physics.

Point being, level of education means diddly-squat for why people hook up. There are other factors that you have to consider.