Things I Hate

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My father graduated with Masters degrees in physics and mathematics, and he married my mom who only graduated high-school. My two uncles on my mom's side both graduated with degrees in Engineering and married high-school drop outs.

On the flip-side, I have a missionary friend from my old church, who had bad grades throughout high school, never went to college, but he married this chick with a Masters degree in Nuclear Physics.

Point being, level of education means diddly-squat for why people hook up. There are other factors that you have to consider.

I think wealth has more to do with it than education, but most people just meet and marry who they want, just happens.

You just have to put yourself out there to find them.
Here is the real deal:

People almost always marry someone from a circle they travel in: friends, school, church, work, clubs, groups, or meet doing activities they both mutually like. Within those pools people generally choose a person to whom they are attracted to, get on with, and have common goals with.

If you are a dude who plays lots of video games, regularly goes out with dude-friends who likewise don't do much but play videogames, have no real ambition in life, and hang out with like-minded friends, (or for instance hang out a lot in forums) you are not traveling in circles where you will meet the type of girls you are complaining about.

Nature has implanted in people to avoid people like that. Tuff love.
Here is the real deal:

People almost always marry someone from a circle they travel in: friends, school, church, work, clubs, groups, or meet doing activities they both mutually like. Within those pools people generally choose a person to whom they are attracted to, get on with, and have common goals with.

If you are a dude who plays lots of video games, regularly goes out with dude-friends who likewise don't do much but play videogames, have no real ambition in life, and hang out with like-minded friends, (or for instance hang out a lot in forums) you are not traveling in circles where you will meet the type of girls you are complaining about.

Nature has implanted in people to avoid people like that. Tuff love.

Yuppers! :lecture

It really is fall now that these large ducks or is it geese fly in formation. They look like they're flying North but they're probably hoping on a stream or something. Oh well, the change of color will suffice.
There is no perfect formula for finding a relationship and plenty of people are with other people that are perceived to be wastes of space by friends and family. I prefer to think that people meet each other based on compatible mental disorders--doesn't matter where you meet them or if you have the same interests. I have friends from completely different backgrounds/jobs/social circles that met at a grocery store and have been married for 15 years. Playing video games, going out with friends, and spending time on a forum have nothing to do with having a lack of ambition and are all social activities if you're playing video games online so the odds of meeting people are just as high as going to church. Plus, people of all education levels participate in those activities so that has nothing to do with any of them.

The closest constant I've seen when it comes to people staying together--for good or ill--is if one person's mental defects click into place with another person's. A woman that likes to be the dominant one in the relationship may find a guy that is lazy with no ambition. A guy that likes to treat women like **** will find a woman with low self-esteem. A pretty woman that doesn't have the ambition to be a go-getter but wants the perks may marry a man who is and doesn't mind a trophy wife as long as she fits the part he's looking for in a partner. An educated man may find an educated woman but the education level may be secondary to his weird sexual fetish that she puts up with because peeing on him gives her power over him. Dominance, laziness, focusing on looks, reluctance to be mentally challenged, "deviant" sexual fetishes, etc. can all be labelled as a mental defect by someone and are at the core of how people get along.
There is no perfect formula for finding a relationship and plenty of people are with other people that are perceived to be wastes of space by friends and family. I prefer to think that people meet each other based on compatible mental disorders--doesn't matter where you meet them or if you have the same interests. I have friends from completely different backgrounds/jobs/social circles that met at a grocery store and have been married for 15 years. Playing video games, going out with friends, and spending time on a forum have nothing to do with having a lack of ambition and are all social activities if you're playing video games online so the odds of meeting people are just as high as going to church. Plus, people of all education levels participate in those activities so that has nothing to do with any of them.

The closest constant I've seen when it comes to people staying together--for good or ill--is if one person's mental defects click into place with another person's. A woman that likes to be the dominant one in the relationship may find a guy that is lazy with no ambition. A guy that likes to treat women like **** will find a woman with low self-esteem. A pretty woman that doesn't have the ambition to be a go-getter but wants the perks may marry a man who is and doesn't mind a trophy wife as long as she fits the part he's looking for in a partner. An educated man may find an educated woman but the education level may be secondary to his weird sexual fetish that she puts up with because peeing on him gives her power over him. Dominance, laziness, focusing on looks, reluctance to be mentally challenged, "deviant" sexual fetishes, etc. can all be labelled as a mental defect by someone and are at the core of how people get along.

Sure there are always exceptions. My post was obviously not attempting to be absolute. But I have to disagree with you when you say a person has just as good a chance of getting into a meaningful relationship with someone they have never met in the flesh as someone who they actually meet in person.
We don't have to agree, but I think that if the two people are honest with each other online about who they are before they meet then the relationship can work out. The only way that doesn't work is if one thinks physical looks are of more importance than the intellectual relationship they've made--in which case it's probable that he/she wasn't really looking for a relationship.
We don't have to agree, but I think that if the two people are honest with each other online about who they are before they meet then the relationship can work out. The only way that doesn't work is if one thinks physical looks are of more importance than the intellectual relationship they've made--in which case it's probable that he/she wasn't really looking for a relationship.

You're still not hearing me. I am not disputing the possibility. I am disputing the likelihood. But cheers, just the same. :duff
Compatible mental disorders? What a ****ed up way to look at it.

I don't see it that way. Everyone has issues, either you can admit it or you can't. Doesn't change the fact that in order for a relationship to truly survive you have to find someone that is ok with your issues and vice versa.
Why do you even care?

Sometimes I have to wonder by the things that you post like this is that you're blaming women for you being single. Or that you use women being "picky" as an excuse. Most people marry on their same level pretty much. Maybe it's you that are being too picky? Maybe you have "Pretty Woman" syndrome?

I'm not trying to be mean or anything, just wondering.

is not about "even caring" I could play that game too, why do we all even care about stuff?
I could look at everyone's posts and go "Why do you even care bro?" :duh (why do you even care that I "care'? ah?)

As far as the article goes, the reason I hate that is because the older I get the more I hear these women complain about "no good guys left"(Even in my circles) it is such a cliche most romantic comedy movies are about that. the whole "cat lady" cliche about these amazing women that can't find a good guy. (it is always men's fault that women are not getting married now, yep, all men's fault, Couldn't be any other reason. all good guys are taken and no good guys left

"no good guys left" "no good guys left" it's like it is becoming this mantra that keeps being repeated. Then the article explains that it all has to do with college, I couldn't stop laughing. (who knew)
mind you I GRADUATED College... so technically I would be in the "good guys" category. But that whole "no good guys left" is so imprinted in our society, finally seeing why women say that was shocking. (Hell, I've been hearing that since I was a kid from movies and shows now that I think about it, no good guys left when you reach a certain age)
there must be at least a hundred movies about this alone...

it all, it only had to do with guys no graduating... like, wtf :lol
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is not about "even caring" I could play that game too, why do we all even care about stuff?
I could look at everyone's posts and go "Why do you even care bro?" :duh (why do you even care that I "care'? ah?)

As far as the article goes, the reason I hate that is because the older I get the more I hear these women complain about "no good guys left"(Even in my circles) it is such a cliche most romantic comedy movies are about that. the whole "cat lady" cliche about these amazing women that can't find a good guy. (it is always men's fault that women are not getting married now, yep, all men's fault, Couldn't be any other reason. all good guys are taken and no good guys left

"no good guys left" "no good guys left" it's like it is becoming this mantra that keeps being repeated. Then the article explains that it all has to do with college, I couldn't stop laughing. (who knew)
mind you I GRADUATED College... so technically I would be in the "good guys" category. But that whole "no good guys left" is so imprinted in our society, finally seeing why women say that was shocking. (Hell, I've been hearing that since I was a kid from movies and shows now that I think about it, no good guys left when you reach a certain age)
there must be at least a hundred movies about this alone...

it all, it only had to do with guys no graduating... like, wtf :lol


I don't see it that way. Everyone has issues, either you can admit it or you can't. Doesn't change the fact that in order for a relationship to truly survive you have to find someone that is ok with your issues and vice versa.

I see it that way. Absence of conflict is not a substitute for congruence of values, which is the actual foundation of successful relationships.
I see it that way. Absence of conflict is not a substitute for congruence of values, which is the actual foundation of successful relationships.

By your response to my statement I understood you didn't agree, but I suppose you wouldn't be you if you didn't feel like you had to clarify yourself to everyone. I was a bit surprised you didn't throw some Latin in your response, but maybe next time. In my opinion, a congruence of values neither guarantees absence of conflict nor does it signify a successful relationship. People in a relationship can believe in the same things and not be compatible. Those values may bring them together at first but other issues can cause conflict that can destroy the relationship. As usual, you and I are going to have to agree to disagree.
I don't agree to disagree. You're wrong.

Also, you have a ****ed up concept of human relationships, but that's to be expected from someone in your condition.
There is no perfect formula for finding a relationship and plenty of people are with other people that are perceived to be wastes of space by friends and family. I prefer to think that people meet each other based on compatible mental disorders--doesn't matter where you meet them or if you have the same interests. I have friends from completely different backgrounds/jobs/social circles that met at a grocery store and have been married for 15 years. Playing video games, going out with friends, and spending time on a forum have nothing to do with having a lack of ambition and are all social activities if you're playing video games online so the odds of meeting people are just as high as going to church. Plus, people of all education levels participate in those activities so that has nothing to do with any of them.

The closest constant I've seen when it comes to people staying together--for good or ill--is if one person's mental defects click into place with another person's. A woman that likes to be the dominant one in the relationship may find a guy that is lazy with no ambition. A guy that likes to treat women like **** will find a woman with low self-esteem. A pretty woman that doesn't have the ambition to be a go-getter but wants the perks may marry a man who is and doesn't mind a trophy wife as long as she fits the part he's looking for in a partner. An educated man may find an educated woman but the education level may be secondary to his weird sexual fetish that she puts up with because peeing on him gives her power over him. Dominance, laziness, focusing on looks, reluctance to be mentally challenged, "deviant" sexual fetishes, etc. can all be labelled as a mental defect by someone and are at the core of how people get along.

You got to lay off the bing mate...

I don't agree to disagree. You're wrong.

Also, you have a ****ed up concept of human relationships, but that's to be expected from someone in your condition.

And what condition is that? Happily married? I understand your ego doesn't allow for other points of view to be correct but at least go all-in with the insult and explain yourself. I would hazard a guess that we can all figure out what mental defect a man/woman would have to put up with you in a relationship.