Things I Hate

Collector Freaks Forum

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HT has been corrupted.
rally the crusade.
storm the marvel section.
and burn iron man threads to the ground.


HT cleansing.
HT wills it.
There are so many of the older members who don't come around much anymore and they were replaced by.....well.....


I've been here since 2006, I don't post as much but I am active here, this place has changed a bit, I'll admit. I remember a lot of older threads that were out of hand and have since disappeared, like Kurgan thread. :rotfl People got real feisty in that one......but since this a thread about about hate..I hate how I've been here for 9 years and not once has anyone wished me a Happy Birthday.:( in 9 long years
I've been here since 2006, I don't post as much but I am active here, this place has changed a bit, I'll admit. I remember a lot of older threads that were out of hand and have since disappeared, like Kurgan thread. :rotfl People got real feisty in that one......but since this a thread about about hate..I hate how I've been here for 9 years and not once has anyone wished me a Happy Birthday.:( in 9 long years

Happy Birthday....SQUIRREL!.....Happy Birthday
No one wished you probably because you had 2 Krurgans with the same birthday just a few days before yours (bannister and myself). But I swear you will get one this year. :rock
I've been here since 2006, I don't post as much but I am active here, this place has changed a bit, I'll admit. I remember a lot of older threads that were out of hand and have since disappeared, like Kurgan thread. :rotfl People got real feisty in that one......but since this a thread about about hate..I hate how I've been here for 9 years and not once has anyone wished me a Happy Birthday.:( in 9 long years

There was a time that I checked the birthdays every day and wished those people a happy one. I'm so sorry if I missed you. I quit doing that because some were messaging me telling me that I was stupid to do it. :lol

Happy belated birthday! XOXOXOXOXOXO :)
I hate that it's been such a bad week for some of my friends. One family of friends lost their mother in a car accident and another lost his mother to illness. All good people. So sad for them all. :(
IRS left two messages on his answering machine that they're suing Mr. Green, and that he need to call them on this XXX-XXX-XXXX now, lol.
There was a time that I checked the birthdays every day and wished those people a happy one. I'm so sorry if I missed you. I quit doing that because some were messaging me telling me that I was stupid to do it. :lol

Happy belated birthday! XOXOXOXOXOXO :)

Well, I thought your "Happy Birthdays" were a great gesture. I really appreciated it when you wished me Happy B-day in 2009. That was before people knew me, and before I had friends on the forum :lol. I always remembered that.
IRS left two messages on his answering machine that they're suing Mr. Green, and that he need to call them on this XXX-XXX-XXXX now, lol.

There's a big IRS robocall scam right now. Don't panic. The IRS will always contact you by mail first, so if you haven't been getting mail that's your first clue. Call the number and they'll probably start demanding immediate payment with a credit card or they will send the police. If that's the case you can tell them to eat a bag of d----.

  • The IRS does not make demands for tax debt to be paid using prepaid debit cards or wire transfers, nor will they threaten you over the phone.
  • Do NOT provide personal information such as your full social security number or credit card information to any such individuals who are making threats over the phone.
  • If you do have a legitimate tax issue with the IRS, they will contact you by mail.
  • The IRS does not use email, text messaging or social media to collect personal or financial information.
IRS left two messages on his answering machine that they're suing Mr. Green, and that he need to call them on this XXX-XXX-XXXX now, lol.

Huh, that's funny. A few days ago I got two calls within hours of each other from the "Australian Tax Office" (read: computer) threatening that I had broken tax laws and needed to pay outstanding tax 'before we take further action against you'. I started laughing when the message ended with 'good bye, and take care'. :lol
Huh, that's funny. A few days ago I got two calls within hours of each other from the "Australian Tax Office" (read: computer) threatening that I had broken tax laws and needed to pay outstanding tax 'before we take further action against you'. I started laughing when the message ended with 'good bye, and take care'. :lol

Sounds like that call may have originated from Canada. Did they say "buddy" at anytime?