Things I Hate

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Walking into work to find out the latest Windows Update on certain systems caused them to go into loop mode and now they will not boot up or allow for safe mode.
I still haven't upgraded to 10. Kinda nervous too.

I haven't had any issues with 10 at all. We have some crappy Motion tablets that went into infinite loop mode after a Windows Update. Keep telling the sales staff not to do updates without me testing them first. Now they see why I don't want them having this type of control.

Good thing is I can finally get the piece of crap systems out of the company.
people bitchin and complaining about being stuck and stranded in BALI....

****, i had an excuse to stay off work, get shatfaced for under $10 and extend my insurance will cover most of my bill anyway.lolz :woo
people bitchin and complaining about being stuck and stranded in BALI....

****, i had an excuse to stay off work, get shatfaced for under $10 and extend my insurance will cover most of my bill anyway.lolz :woo
People who want someone else to pay for their stuff.

That was awesome. I'd love to see Cavuto moderate a Dem debate on economics. Although, I doubt the DNC would ever approve of that. He'd definitely ask Bernie Sanders the tough questions about spending that no one else in the media is asking.
That was awesome. I'd love to see Cavuto moderate a Dem debate on economics. Although, I doubt the DNC would ever approve of that. He'd definitely ask Bernie Sanders the tough questions about spending that no one else in the media is asking.

I seen a video where the guy totally blew apart Sanders fiscal policy. Something along the same lines of taxing the 1% at a 100% wouldn't even touch the financial issues the U.S has.
"They are the natural bait for the swarms of looters that stay under rocks for centuries, but come crawling out at the first smell of a man who begs to be forgiven for the guilt of owning wealth."
What's real chilling is that she is so willing to empower the government to take 90% of what a person earns.