Things I Hate

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We passed that mark a long time ago. People would rather pride themselves on refraining from hatred than get their hands dirty ending the slaughter of innocent people by this porcine filth.
The world better wake up. Being nice and hoping the enemy changes isn’t going to protect anyone. The civilized world needs to put fear into these savages.
Well said! We are all French today. Vive La Liberté!

At this point, nothing short of the Japanese treatment is going to have an effect on the Middle East, and he's on their side to begin with.

I don't even think that would work because you're not dealing with a centralized entity. It's almost like a cancer spread caught too late.

I'm certainly not an expert on either but there does seem to be a comparison between the no surrender approach of Japan and the martyrdom is freedom approach of these terror groups. It seems like the solution will unfortunately need a lot of trial and error attempts instead of the usual, effective wartime strategies.

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Make a map/list of Middle Eastern population and religious centers, starting with Teheran and ending with Medina/Mecca. Demand that the jihad end. Full surrender within a short, but not unrealistic timetable.

When the clock runs out, remove one city. Start the clock again. Repeat until there is no more jihad, or the pool of jihadis has nowhere to replenish itself.

All military in the region can go home to defend against whatever backlash might come from domestic populations. I don't know how hard it would be to get other nations on board. My gut says all we'd really need is Putin.
Also stop anymore Syrian refugees from entering Europe or The U.S. as one of the Paris terrorists was a "refugee"
Theyre all military age males coming out of Syria and very few women and children, not a good demographic.
We should take middle eastern Christians fleeing Islamic persecution only.
Israeli-level monitoring of borders should have become the norm 14 years ago. There's a type and it's moronic that anyone still lets them in.

The Middle East is big. Lots of places to go where they don't have to worry about Western culture microaggressing their safe space, and if the other countries over there are so opposed to IS, I'm sure they'd be happy to give relief to its victims.

Refugees are not our problem.
Typical response from my favorite racist jackasses on this board. Forget that there was an attack in Lebanon just 2 days prior or that the refugee are fleeing from these very same terrorists that attacked Paris. Lets all group them together, mark them as one; its easier this way than using logic and any type of sense.

Thoughts and prayer with Paris, Lebanon and rest of the world that have to suffer these cowardly attacks.
You'll notice Saudi Arabia isn't taking in any refugees. All the surrounding Muslim countries know what's up, it's all about pushing the caliphate into Western Europe.
Its nothing short of an invasion and the bleeding heart libs like Merkel are ruining their countries. Also those counties with anti gun laws are getting steam rolled and they did it to themselves.
Saudi's and the rest of the wahabi regimes are *******s! It's well known and the fact that they're still in power is a shame, no thanks to our continued support. Turkey to my knowledge is the only country to have take the more then a few millions of these refugees. If all the other countries in the ME would follow suit things wouldn't be like this in Europe, especially for the countries who have no part in this current crisis.
Typical response from my favorite racist jackasses on this board. Forget that there was an attack in Lebanon just 2 days prior or that the refugee are fleeing from these very same terrorists that attacked Paris. Lets all group them together, mark them as one; its easier this way than using logic and any type of sense.

What race?