Things I Hate

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I hate how I live 16.6 miles from my job and takes me on average of hour and half each way to get to and from work EVERY DAY! Damn traffic!:gah:
Ugh, I did that years ago, lots of pain for me. I hope you fare better, mine were all impacted.

The procedure itself was hardly a bother. I don't remember the top ones coming out at all and though I became more aware when the lower ones were coming out it was all tolerable enough. There was minor pain on my left which I alerted her to and she gave more local anaesthetic before continuing.

It's the aftermath that's the nuisance. Barely able to open my mouth due to pain, swollen cheeks, tasting and spitting up blood all day and not being able to eat what I'd normally eat. And tomorrow I have to start the salt-washing - always hated that.

I'm slightly worried I may have some loss of sensation that they warn you about beforehand (she put me at a 2% risk) but it could just be related to the swelling. Probably too soon to tell.
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The procedure itself was hardly a bother. I don't remember the top ones coming out at all and though I became more aware when the lower ones were coming out it was all tolerable enough. There was minor pain on my left which I alerted her to and she gave more local anaesthetic before continuing.

It's the aftermath that's the nuisance. Barely able to open my mouth due to pain, swollen cheeks, tasting and spitting up blood all day and not being able to eat what I'd normally eat. And tomorrow I have to start the salt-washing - always hated that.

I'm slightly worried I may have some loss of sensation that they warn you about beforehand (she put me at a 2% risk) but it could just be related to the swelling. Probably too soon to tell.

I hope all goes well for you. I have one that will probably have to come out due to the fact that it has a cavity and my dentist won't fix it, just said to have it pulled.
The procedure itself was hardly a bother. I don't remember the top ones coming out at all and though I became more aware when the lower ones were coming out it was all tolerable enough. There was minor pain on my left which I alerted her to and she gave more local anaesthetic before continuing.

It's the aftermath that's the nuisance. Barely able to open my mouth due to pain, swollen cheeks, tasting and spitting up blood all day and not being able to eat what I'd normally eat. And tomorrow I have to start the salt-washing - always hated that.

I'm slightly worried I may have some loss of sensation that they warn you about beforehand (she put me at a 2% risk) but it could just be related to the swelling. Probably too soon to tell.

Had 3 wisdom teeth pulled decades ago. But last visit was 2 months ago due to cavities. For some reason, anesthetics doesn't work 100% on Mr. Green. Last visit took 4 shoot and he still feel the needle. Dentist was kind of pissed that Mr. Green still have feeling. He told him to just pull it.

Mr. Green starting to feel the same way with coffee. It starting to feel like drinking tea. Maybe it's the cheaper coffee that supposedly gourmet. Back to Folgers in a few days once this coffee brand runs out.
Mine was a pre-emptive strike. They told me they more than likely would cause me problems eventually...which I found plausible because the top ones were too inaccessible to clean properly and the bottom ones were only partially emerged and food was getting trapped. They're also a contributor to gum disease which I do have so maybe that will improve and I won't lose the rest of my teeth before I'm 50.

As long as I don't get any permanent side-effects from the removal of the lower ones I will consider it to have been worthwhile. Maybe I'll get my bottom teeth restraightened one day - I had braces at 18 but, perhaps through fault of my own, the work didn't last. Top ones sort of went out of alignment aswell but not as noticeably.

Oh and I look ****ing hilarious today, like Buzz Lightyear with that exaggerated jaw/chin.
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Mine was a pre-emptive strike. They told me they more than likely would cause me problems eventually...which I found plausible because the top ones were too inaccessible to clean properly and the bottom ones were only partially emerged and food was getting trapped. They're also a contributor to gum disease which I do have so maybe that will improve and I won't lose the rest of my teeth before I'm 50.

As long as I don't get any permanent side-effects from the removal of the lower ones I will consider it to have been worthwhile. Maybe I'll get my bottom teeth restraightened one day - I had braces at 18 but, perhaps through fault of my own, the work didn't last. Top ones sort of went out of alignment aswell but not as noticeably.

Oh and I look ****ing hilarious today, like Buzz Lightyear with that exaggerated jaw/chin.

Are you feeling better?

I know a lady who had hers removed and she had really bad bruising. Looked like she was beat up. She was only in her early 20s and they were impacted though.
I had all 4 wisdom teeth out in one shot ~12 years ago. They knocked me out for the surgery. The second and third days I was sore, by the forth or fifth day the pain dropped off enough I stopped taking the tylenol with codeine. The biggest concern I had was avoiding dry socket, which didn't happen but everyone made me paranoid about how it was painful.
I had all four of mine pulled my freshman year of high school. I only had local anesthetic. I had no issues whatsoever and even played in a basketball game that night. A lot of people told me I was a rare case. :lol
I had all four of mine pulled my freshman year of high school. I only had local anesthetic. I had no issues whatsoever and even played in a basketball game that night. A lot of people told me I was a rare case. :lol

At 15, yours were probably just nubs under the gum.
Are you feeling better?

I know a lady who had hers removed and she had really bad bruising. Looked like she was beat up. She was only in her early 20s and they were impacted though.

Worse pain today, maybe a little less bleeding. The nurofen plus does a pretty good job on the pain though - there's a background ache which is tolerable, although I could actually take Solpadeine now if I felt inclined to finish it off, I might do. Now at the end of my day I think I can open my mouth a little bit wider which might suggest a reduction in the swelling. Not bad if that's the case as I go into the second day of recovery but I might be speaking too soon.

Pain is tolerable when you know what it is and your tablets are sufficient to deal with it. To be honest what I'm least enjoying is not being able/willing to risk having my Rice Krispies. Those would find their way into the tooth sockets and cause problems - as could any solid food - but it's them I miss the most right now. I'm a creature of habit and I want my normal breakfast and supper :gah: Soup just doesn't cut it for me, I'm already sick of it after just one day

Works for me. Either way. I'm glad I didn't have to deal with it at an older age. Unlike when I had my tonsils out at 28. That sucked.

Hah, same here, at same age. 5 years ago now, recent enough that the memory of it is helping me through the current wisdom teeth situation. A comparable amount of oral pain and hesitancy about eating and I got through that in the end - came out the better, rarely get sick anymore.
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