Things I Hate

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Yeah, I think it would be a heartfelt statement on my part to say I hate all religion.
I respect people's right to believe whatever they want as long as it doesn't affect others.

A-****ing-men...sorry, I mean...


Communism is a religion where the collective plays the role of God.

The only ideology I know that recognizes no sovereign but the individual is America (not that we are the only country that attempts to practice it; the implicit philosophy of Western civilization is American). And the Founders (as well as the intellectuals who they learned it from) thought you needed a god to justify it, but you don't.

i follow the ancient ones....

and MARDUK. :rock
Every time there's a Hunger Games commercial for the new movie it ends with the mockingjay whistle, and for the next 5 minutes my kids have an unstoppable need to do that whistle .
Every time there's a Hunger Games commercial for the new movie it ends with the mockingjay whistle, and for the next 5 minutes my kids have an unstoppable need to do that whistle .

For some reason it makes me think of the X-Files. :lol