Things I Hate

Collector Freaks Forum

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This forum has turned into a faux PC nightmare. Say this, don't say that. Think this but don't say what you think.
And it's mostly gibberish.

Better watch your back or you're going to get it right in the jugular like we discussed, friendo.
Cool. That is only about the tenth time he has done that. I get a warning and posts edited when I told someone to grow up though. :slap :lol

Being belligerently cussed out and being followed by a pack of trolls who bash/belittle/make fun of me in nearly every thread.
I can only respond to what is reported in the limited time I have to police the forums. And I have to say, it's a bit surprising to see someone jump on a mod's case for deleting posts and responding in a way that benefits you. Not that it bothers me, but again, some self-reflection may help you out if you feel like you're being unduly persecuted.
I can only respond to what is reported in the limited time I have to police the forums. And I have to say, it's a bit surprising to see someone jump on a mod's case for deleting posts and responding in a way that benefits you. Not that it bothers me, but again, some self-reflection may help you out if you feel like you're being unduly persecuted.

I can only respond to what is reported in the limited time I have to police the forums. And I have to say, it's a bit surprising to see someone jump on a mod's case for deleting posts and responding in a way that benefits you. Not that it bothers me, but again, some self-reflection may help you out if you feel like you're being unduly persecuted.

I guess mentioning of a trust fund in a completely respectable manner and then having it be thrown back in my face over and over again calls for self-reflection? Not much I can do about that. Or respectfully saying I like Terminator Genisys and asking why others hate it. Only for it to be thrown back in my face. Not much "self-reflecting" I can do in regards to those posts. Never did anything wrong there. Not mention just making comments in TV threads about a show only to be hated on in multiple threads by the man who posted above me. Not much "self-reflection" I can do about that when I don't call out anyone in those original posts.

I guess I need to walk on eggshells from thread to thread now.

I expected to take flak from the PT threads. Accepted it of course. Didn't expect it to spill over thread to thread with the same group of people.

I am not jumping on you. By the time I posted that the comments were deleted. I was referring to a prior experience with a different mod where my posts were edited yet there's appeared to stand.
I guess mentioning of a trust fund in a completely respectable manner and then having it be thrown back in my face over and over again calls for self-reflection? Not much I can do about that. Or respectfully saying I like Terminator Genisys and asking why others hate it. Only for it to be thrown back in my face. Not much "self-reflecting" I can do in regards to those posts. Never did anything wrong there. Not mention just making comments in TV threads about a show only to be hated on in multiple threads by the man who posted above me. Not much "self-reflection" I can do about that when I don't call out anyone in those original posts.

I guess I need to walk on eggshells from thread to thread now.

I expected to take flak from the PT threads. Accepted it of course. Didn't expect it to spill over thread to thread with the same group of people.

I am not jumping on you. By the time I posted that the comments were deleted. I was referring to a prior experience with a different mod where my posts were edited yet there's appeared to stand.

If you think I'm hating on you you definitely have some growing up to do. You know you give as well as you get but then you act like a victim. You impugned devils character when you implied he was a thief, but when he called you out on it you were all, oh mah feelz, I dindu nothin. Yes I've jumped your **** in 2 threads. I got sick of reading your self righteous drivel on how things should be and how you would have wrote it. You say you don't troll but I saw the 3 threads you posted after the episode a couple weeks back. 2 of them were just capitalized 1 word answers and one was a GIF. You knew they were trolling and even lied that only one was edited. A mod or staff called you out on that. You know you're posting things to get a rise out of people. Don't act all innocent. I don't know what you're going to college for but I hope it has something to do with the TV or movie industry so we can see you back up just how good you are.
I'm just trying to help, as an outside observer without a real dog in this fight. But you can take or leave any suggestion and, of course, deal with the consequences. You say that your opinion is stated respectfully, others may not agree. They may think you're bragging, or trying to deliberately troll. Context (the nature of the thread, who posts in it, etc.) and posting history feed into interpretations of your post.

If people you don't get along with for whatever reason congregate in a given thread, you may consider posting in other threads. If you feel someone is harassing you by following you around when you are legitimately trying to avoid conflict, report it. But sometimes members just can't and won't get along, and at that point ignoring each other through the forum ignore feature is the way to go.
If you think I'm hating on you you definitely have some growing up to do. You know you give as well as you get but then you act like a victim. You impugned devils character when you implied he was a thief, but when he called you out on it you were all, oh mah feelz, I dindu nothin. Yes I've jumped your **** in 2 threads. I got sick of reading your self righteous drivel on how things should be and how you would have wrote it. You say you don't troll but I saw the 3 threads you posted after the episode a couple weeks back. 2 of them were just capitalized 1 word answers and one was a GIF. You knew they were trolling and even lied that only one was edited. A mod or staff called you out on that. You know you're posting things to get a rise out of people. Don't act all innocent. I don't know what you're going to college for but I hope it has something to do with the TV or movie industry so we can see you back up just how good you are.

You do hate on me and got upset because I said something negative about a show you watch. Then you proceed to follow me into another thread and bash on me for disliking a comic. Sad. And you say I need to grow up.

I asked a simple question of "so you stole it" No response, assumed he stole it. Nothing wrong with that. Maybe he felt he didn't need to justify himself on the internet (notice If I don't do this I get called a troll)

As for trolling. First time I said about the episode I stated what was wrong and what I would have done different and you and others started to cry that someone disliked TWD. I never insulted anyone or make ignorant posts. You sure all did to me. It was not "self righteous" just a simple wish/fantasy booking that you clearly took as a personal attack on you. Sad.

Second time I said it was boring. Posted a gif and two replies and left it at that. You must have been the one to report me about that I assume? Sad. It was the truth. It was boring. Don't get so upset over a differing opinion about a tv show/movie. I don't follow you thread to thread hating on you do I? No.

Once again, post is misinterpreted about a prior instance in a completely different thread. Even then, when I replied to Snoopy I forgot to say "posts" and put "post." An honest simple mistake.

I guess you know what I think though and how I post to get a rise out of people. Okay. I just call it how I see it. Just as you posted to me to get a rise out of me. You do the same thing.

Let's hope you don't delete your reply this time and I can actually read it.