Things I Hate

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After losing 2 good friends in Paris attacks 10 days ago. I lost my job yesterday.(related to what happened here too... I do seasonal jobs in commercial centers as a photograph)

And I was in a critical financial situation this year. I'll have to let all my collection go because all my money went into it. I guess it's even indecent to complain considering the facts.

I am so sad for my friends dead.

But I didn't have time to think about losing my collection until now. And it makes me sad also, without anyone understanding it in my relatives (a friend even told me it was a chance to grow up)

2 weeks ago, almost everything was fine. Now I even think of leaving France.

That's terrible man. I hope things get better for you soon :duff
After losing 2 good friends in Paris attacks 10 days ago. I lost my job yesterday.(related to what happened here too... I do seasonal jobs in commercial centers as a photograph)

And I was in a critical financial situation this year. I'll have to let all my collection go because all my money went into it. I guess it's even indecent to complain considering the facts.

I am so sad for my friends dead.

But I didn't have time to think about losing my collection until now. And it makes me sad also, without anyone understanding it in my relatives (a friend even told me it was a chance to grow up)

2 weeks ago, almost everything was fine. Now I even think of leaving France.

Sorry to hear this, Darthy. I know it's easier said than done but stay positive, things will get better. :duff
Having to work the day after Thanksgiving and Christmas cause the owners have no clue how damn slow it is and would rather have everyone at their desks instead of giving them a paid day off...
Having to work the day after Thanksgiving and Christmas cause the owners have no clue how damn slow it is and would rather have everyone at their desks instead of giving them a paid day off...

I wanted to take a personal day yesterday. No kids in means nothing to do. Kids are off all week. I was allowed to take one for Monday, then I had to come back in for Tuesday, then be off the rest of the week. They wouldn't let me take another personal day. Now when I do take one (I get 3 for the school year) they'll have to pay a sub to take my place. Try to save the school money, but nooooo. So I piddled around all day. Took a 2 hour lunch. Surfed the internet. Dumb.
I wanted to take a personal day yesterday. No kids in means nothing to do. Kids are off all week. I was allowed to take one for Monday, then I had to come back in for Tuesday, then be off the rest of the week. They wouldn't let me take another personal day. Now when I do take one (I get 3 for the school year) they'll have to pay a sub to take my place. Try to save the school money, but nooooo. So I piddled around all day. Took a 2 hour lunch. Surfed the internet. Dumb.

i love days like those.
getting paid just to sit around and keep the chair warm.
Having to work the day after Thanksgiving and Christmas cause the owners have no clue how damn slow it is and would rather have everyone at their desks instead of giving them a paid day off...

I wanted to take a personal day yesterday. No kids in means nothing to do. Kids are off all week. I was allowed to take one for Monday, then I had to come back in for Tuesday, then be off the rest of the week. They wouldn't let me take another personal day. Now when I do take one (I get 3 for the school year) they'll have to pay a sub to take my place. Try to save the school money, but nooooo. So I piddled around all day. Took a 2 hour lunch. Surfed the internet. Dumb.

i love days like those.
getting paid just to sit around and keep the chair warm.

my favorite days too,
They are known as social justice warriors

Progressives that claim to be super oppressed, get offended at everything. (they also hate straight white men) South park has been making a lot of fun of them this season
It's just another day to me. Just like holidays.

I wish.

Mirco aggression.

Who comes up with this ****?

People who made a hustle out of injustice and widened their net to snare the just and unjust alike.

It's hard to cash in on racism when fewer and fewer are. Also, you can attack other things you hate by smearing it with moral crimes that already have a proven track record. Mortgages were gradually worn into a tool for shaming banks for discrimination, and in the end you got Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac doling a trillion dollars worth of sub-prime loans over 2006-2007. When those loans buckled, everything they touched went with them and the banks took the hit for it.
I wish.

Family? My mother is very anti-social these days, so she avoids them as much as possible.

People who made a hustle out of injustice and widened their net to snare the just and unjust alike.

It's hard to cash in on racism when fewer and fewer are. Also, you can attack other things you hate by smearing it with moral crimes that already have a proven track record. Mortgages were gradually worn into a tool for shaming banks for discrimination, and in the end you got Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac doling a trillion dollars worth of sub-prime loans over 2006-2007. When those loans buckled, everything they touched went with them and the banks took the hit for it.

It's making me very tired.
I had a bad Thanksgiving a few years ago. The trick now is for everyone to have a good Thanksgiving in spite of that, but the only way to do that is to minimize the emotion that wants to dominate the day. That feels like a betrayal to me. Like forgetting. At the same time, I know the best thing to do is to not let it ruin the day. The whole thing is just a mind**** that I'd rather not participate in, or if I must, drink it into oblivion. Problem is, I usually have to work so that's not an option either.

I wish I had an answer for your trap.