Things I Hate

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You do hate on me and got upset because I said something negative about a show you watch. Then you proceed to follow me into another thread and bash on me for disliking a comic. Sad. And you say I need to grow up.
Actually I read The Walking Dead comic as well. I didn't follow you in there. But when you're busting on the show and saying how it should be more like the comic and in the comic thread you're busting on the comic I get the conclusion you don't like either. IIRC I suggested you reexamine why you waste your time watching or reading something that you don't appear to like.
I asked a simple question of "so you stole it" No response, assumed he stole it. Nothing wrong with that. Maybe he felt he didn't need to justify himself on the internet (notice If I don't do this I get called a troll)
If you can't be honest and admit you were taking a jab at devil here then I have nothing to say on it.
As for trolling. First time I said about the episode I stated what was wrong and what I would have done different and you and others started to cry that someone disliked TWD. I never insulted anyone or make ignorant posts. You sure all did to me. It was not "self righteous" just a simple wish/fantasy booking that you clearly took as a personal attack on you. Sad.

Second time I said it was boring. Posted a gif and two replies and left it at that. You must have been the one to report me about that I assume? Sad. It was the truth. It was boring. Don't get so upset over a differing opinion about a tv show/movie. I don't follow you thread to thread hating on you do I? No.
I didn't report you. Believe what you want. Again, your post we are talking about here was out and out trolling. No discussion at all. Meant to get a rise out of people.
Once again, post is misinterpreted about a prior instance in a completely different thread. Even then, when I replied to Snoopy I forgot to say "posts" and put "post." An honest simple mistake.

I guess you know what I think though and how I post to get a rise out of people. Okay. I just call it how I see it. Just as you posted to me to get a rise out of me. You do the same thing.

Let's hope you don't delete your reply this time and I can actually read it.I deleted that post to remove myself from the situation. It's called deescalating a situation. But you sure have brought it up a time or 2. Just like I didn't mention you by name before. It sure as hell isn't because I'm trying to be secretive. I just don't think we are specifically supposed to call members out.
You have a good day.
Asking a question is taking a jab at someone?

Wasn't trolling. Over emphasizing is what I would call it at the most. No big deal. I post I like a movie and get called a troll so it does't matter what I say clearly.

If you have been reading the comic thread you would notice I have been enjoying the last few issues. Not every issue I like and enjoy.
im ready:

Being on hold with customer service for 17 minutes being told my call is important to them.

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After losing 2 good friends in Paris attacks 10 days ago. I lost my job yesterday.(related to what happened here too... I do seasonal jobs in commercial centers as a photograph)

And I was in a critical financial situation this year. I'll have to let all my collection go because all my money went into it. I guess it's even indecent to complain considering the facts.

I am so sad for my friends dead.

But I didn't have time to think about losing my collection until now. And it makes me sad also, without anyone understanding it in my relatives (a friend even told me it was a chance to grow up)

2 weeks ago, almost everything was fine. Now I even think of leaving France.
Wow, that's a huge burden for anyone to bear. So sorry for the loss of your friends. I think we can all understand losing the collection just makes the overall siuation that much more bitter. Hope some things turn around for you soon, Darthy. It's tough to even grieve properly if you're worried about essentials.
Very sorry about your friends Darthy. Words can't really express your situation. It is tough. Just know that with time things will get better and start to look up. Don't lose hope and cherish the memories you have of friends and your collection.
Wow, that's a huge burden for anyone to bear. So sorry for the loss of your friends. I think we can all understand losing the collection just makes the overall siuation that much more bitter. Hope some things turn around for you soon, Darthy. It's tough to even grieve properly if you're worried about essentials.

^^^What he said.

So sorry, Darthy! :1-1: