Things I Hate

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we're heading towards summer. shops close by 5pm here as usual. you think its time for them night beersies but the sun isnt setting soon.lolz
My wife and kids are watching a show about supernatural phenomena like The Michigan Lake Triangle. It's all a bunch of crackpot BS.

Every 30 seconds the narrator says "Some people say..." ... and pull another crazy idea out of their ass.

Not a scientist in sight.
My wife and kids are watching a show about supernatural phenomena like The Michigan Lake Triangle. It's all a bunch of crackpot BS.

Every 30 seconds the narrator says "Some people say..." ... and pull another crazy idea out of their ass.

Not a scientist in sight.

Is it on the History Channel? Those guys don't know anything about facts. :lol
My long history of hating Sundays continues.

It's a non-day.

I don't care for them either anymore. Lazy day with nothing to do until evening then I watch tv until bedtime.

I take that back. I have plenty to do, I just don't want to do it.

How's your toofs doing? Or should I say, lack there of. :)
Good, thanks for asking. None of the complications I was worried about, feels like the gum is healing up fast. I was worried I'd have foul breath for awhile but that didn't happen either. And now I'm rid of the ****ers. All good.
Aaaannnd as usual Mondays bring nothing but joy. Bills. Both of the expected and unexpected variety. Suddenly I have far less money than I had yesterday.
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Aaaannnd as usual Mondays bring nothing but joy. Bills. Both of the expected and unexpected variety. Suddenly I have far less money than I had yesterday.

My car insurance is due this week. :(

I've also spent waaaay too much money on sales. Those cards bills are going to kill me!
I have two heavy bills months, January and July. It takes me about 3 months to catch up on the hit each time. So I spend half the year steadying the ship.

This year I have planned ahead by buying the HT OT line, almost all of which are due in about January/February.
Former Allstate customer here. My wife and I have good driving records, we were paying 180 per month. I just switched to Geico and have the same coverage for 90 buck a month. More money for toys.

That's odd. Mr. Green switch from GEICO to Allstate, lol. He save $$ for sure. Got 2 vehicle and house insured. GEICO doesn't have house insurance, last he checked, a few months ago.
Former Allstate customer here. My wife and I have good driving records, we were paying 180 per month. I just switched to Geico and have the same coverage for 90 buck a month. More money for toys.

I have Grange. $499 for six months for 2 cars full coverage. Can't complain.
I don't think people understand what "full coverage" actually means. Not singling out anybody, it's just one of those things that irritate me from Insurance Companies.

It's not really "full".