Things I Hate

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I don't think people understand what "full coverage" actually means. Not singling out anybody, it's just one of those things that irritate me from Insurance Companies.

It's not really "full".

insurance agents are the most vile people on this planet. worst than them cooked lawyers and cops.
they work against you when you need your insurance the most.
I hate that I waitlisted the exclusive Deadpool only to have it convert already when I can't afford to get him. I spent too much money this week. Couldn't flex pay it since it was on WL. :(
I hate people who have never read a comic book and feel like they're experts on comics because they've seen a few movies.

The amount of people complaining about the new Civil War movie and Batman movie is just plain astounding. We're at a point where we've seen Antman and Vision on the screen, Black Panther is headed there and we're watching Batman fight Superman with the onscreen appearance of Doomsday and that isn't good enough? Seriously?

And acting like Marvel is better than DC or vice versa is just plain stupid. Having a bad comic book movie by one company, (I'm looking at you Fox), is bad for everyone.
I hate people who have never read a comic book and feel like they're experts on comics because they've seen a few movies.

The amount of people complaining about the new Civil War movie and Batman movie is just plain astounding. We're at a point where we've seen Antman and Vision on the screen, Black Panther is headed there and we're watching Batman fight Superman with the onscreen appearance of Doomsday and that isn't good enough? Seriously?

And acting like Marvel is better than DC or vice versa is just plain stupid. Having a bad comic book movie by one company, (I'm looking at you Fox), is bad for everyone.

I've never understood the bitching about a movie before it comes out.
Can't step foot in that B v S thread. Toxic mess of hate and bashing in there. I don't even think the movie looks that good, but Jesus, I'm not going to aggressively repeat that twenty-thousand times. Some of the "jokes" people make about Gadot are outright disturbing. They hate her so much, yet they barely know anything about her and haven't even seen her speak in the movie yet.

Wish people would just grow the **** up.
Can't step foot in that B v S thread. Toxic mess of hate and bashing in there. I don't even think the movie looks that good, but Jesus, I'm not going to aggressively repeat that twenty-thousand times. Some of the "jokes" people make about Gadot are outright disturbing. They hate her so much, yet they barely know anything about her and haven't even seen her speak in the movie yet.

Wish people would just grow the **** up.

I know.

The trailer leaves a lot to be desired but oh well, that's it. There's many failed wannabe movie directors there.

And agreed about Gadot. My god, it's like some of those dudes don't have a mother or a sister.

As if Gadot would even entertain the thought of even looking at some of those guys in real life anyway.
My name is Rory and I hate the Batman V Superman trailer.
It looks childish, juvenile and horribly dated. The acting (apart from Affleck) looks horrible, the VFX overdone and the whole thing
stinks of cheddar. There is a pompous arrogant "this is all so ****ing awesome" idiocy to the material which as a fan of films, Batman and Superman I detest.
Snyder is a 90's pop promo director hack. Who made one good movie. I can't believe that I actually hate a Batman or a Superman movie so much before I even see it. It reeks of Suckerpunch and MOS in all the worst ways. Please go let someone hire a new director for the Batfleck movie. Gadot looks fine, only highlight of the trailer, especially if you like Xena.
Luthor? Really Edward Nygma more like, and what horrible horrible performances. But glad to see The Abomination got a new job. Generic monsters have got to pay bills too you know.
You've seen maybe four minutes of what the movie looks like and maybe 15 seconds of Lex and somehow you're able to judge an entire movie universe off that? Come on that's a joke.

If you think a movie about a man dressed in a batsuit fighting an all-powerful alien from a destroyed planet he traveled here through a wormhole from as a baby teaming up with a mythical warrior goddess made of clay from an island of only warrior women who then take down another super powered soldier alien who had been banished to another zone in time and space but is now back as a genetically altered monster is childish? No kidding of course it is.

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Can't step foot in that B v S thread. Toxic mess of hate and bashing in there. I don't even think the movie looks that good, but Jesus, I'm not going to aggressively repeat that twenty-thousand times. Some of the "jokes" people make about Gadot are outright disturbing. They hate her so much, yet they barely know anything about her and haven't even seen her speak in the movie yet.

Wish people would just grow the **** up.

I think I is funny that the bvs hate is mostly just from marvel fans but at the same time the civil.war movie u can't even say anything bad because everyone gets angry :lol

The level of bashing for bvs is just as bad as the sucking marvels **** :lol
You've seen maybe four minutes of what the movie looks like and maybe 15 seconds of Lex and somehow you're able to judge an entire movie universe off that? Come on that's a joke.

If you think a movie about a man dressed in a batsuit fighting an all-powerful alien from a destroyed planet he traveled here through a wormhole from as a baby teaming up with a mythical warrior goddess made of clay from an island of only warrior women who then take down another super powered soldier alien who had been banished to another zone in time and space but is now back as a genetically altered monster is childish? No kidding of course it is.

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Are you disrespecting my right to have an opinion? The approach to the subject matter seems juvenile and flat. Not the source material.
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Can't step foot in that B v S thread. Toxic mess of hate and bashing in there. I don't even think the movie looks that good, but Jesus, I'm not going to aggressively repeat that twenty-thousand times. Some of the "jokes" people make about Gadot are outright disturbing. They hate her so much, yet they barely know anything about her and haven't even seen her speak in the movie yet.

Wish people would just grow the **** up.

Actually since the new trailer I haven't seen a single negative comment towards Gadot. If anything it improved people's impression of her.

One guy was worried that we haven't heard her speak but that's about it so far.
Actually since the new trailer I haven't seen a single negative comment towards Gadot. If anything it improved people's impression of her.

One guy was worried that we haven't heard her speak but that's about it so far.
Yup. Gadot was universally the highlight of the trailer.
Actually since the new trailer I haven't seen a single negative comment towards Gadot. If anything it improved people's impression of her.

One guy was worried that we haven't heard her speak but that's about it so far.
That's good. Before that though most people were tearing her to shreds, since the very moment she was cast, for no good reason.

I thought the trailer was pretty bad, there are quite a few things I didn't like about it. But I'm not going to go **** all over the movie because a) I haven't seen it yet and b) I'm not a selfish, know-it-all **** who wants to ruin people's fun.