Things I Hate

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Can't step foot in that B v S thread. Toxic mess of hate and bashing in there. I don't even think the movie looks that good, but Jesus, I'm not going to aggressively repeat that twenty-thousand times. Some of the "jokes" people make about Gadot are outright disturbing. They hate her so much, yet they barely know anything about her and haven't even seen her speak in the movie yet.

Wish people would just grow the **** up.

That's good. Before that though most people were tearing her to shreds, since the very moment she was cast, for no good reason.

I thought the trailer was pretty bad, there are quite a few things I didn't like about it. But I'm not going to go **** all over the movie because a) I haven't seen it yet and b) I'm not a selfish, know-it-all **** who wants to ruin people's fun.

You do with the PT though. Funny. You and many others with the gifs and videos and laughing in my face. You weren't the worst, but you still partook in that type of behavior.

My name is Rory and I hate the Batman V Superman trailer.
It looks childish, juvenile and horribly dated. The acting (apart from Affleck) looks horrible, the VFX overdone and the whole thing
stinks of cheddar. There is a pompous arrogant "this is all so ****ing awesome" idiocy to the material which as a fan of films, Batman and Superman I detest.
Snyder is a 90's pop promo director hack. Who made one good movie. I can't believe that I actually hate a Batman or a Superman movie so much before I even see it. It reeks of Suckerpunch and MOS in all the worst ways. Please go let someone hire a new director for the Batfleck movie. Gadot looks fine, only highlight of the trailer, especially if you like Xena.
Luthor? Really Edward Nygma more like, and what horrible horrible performances. But glad to see The Abomination got a new job. Generic monsters have got to pay bills too you know.


He would make a good Riddler as you said. Seriously. :lol

You've seen maybe four minutes of what the movie looks like and maybe 15 seconds of Lex and somehow you're able to judge an entire movie universe off that? Come on that's a joke.

If you think a movie about a man dressed in a batsuit fighting an all-powerful alien from a destroyed planet he traveled here through a wormhole from as a baby teaming up with a mythical warrior goddess made of clay from an island of only warrior women who then take down another super powered soldier alien who had been banished to another zone in time and space but is now back as a genetically altered monster is childish? No kidding of course it is.

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:lol:lol:lol Lex is a joke. Everything about him is. We have seen actions from him in that trailer from the start to the the presumed end of this movie and he is **** in every scene. So yes, making a assumption based on what we have seen from him is safe to do.

Actually since the new trailer I haven't seen a single negative comment towards Gadot. If anything it improved people's impression of her.

One guy was worried that we haven't heard her speak but that's about it so far.

I agree. I hated the casting and I think she looks perfect. Maybe the lone bright spot in this movie. If anything, people should see this just for WW.
What was the one good movie? To be fair, I can't judge him too harshly since I've never made it all the way through any of his films.

Comments like this are just insane. His Dawn of the Dead is considered by many to be the best zombie movie made, 300 is a great watch and Watchmen is one of the better comic book movies made.

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Comments like this are just insane. His Dawn of the Dead is considered by many to be the best zombie movie made, 300 is a great watch and Watchmen is one of the better comic book movies made.

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Dawn of the dead the best zombie movie ever made? I will stop you there. :lol
It might be the best zombie remake of the best zombie movie ever made...

300 was a highly overrated frame by frame copy of a graphic novel. It was interesting for what it was. A green screen movie.
Watchmen was also a frame by frame copy of a graphic novel. Quite well handled in places, terrible and cheesy in others. But I do like a lot of it.
His best movie along with Dawn of the Dead (a remake) , both pretty flawed though.

Sucker punch was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. A mess of a movie. Juvenile rubbish.
The owl thing was terrible, absolutely awful.
Man of steel was a mess of a movie. Juvenile silly rubbish.

3 hyper expensive piles of bantha poo. Not a decent original movie in there from the "visionary" director.
I hate that I miss the Christmas specials every year. Oh well, Charlie Brown is going to jail for threatening to kill somebody anyway.
I think the only Snyder films I've seen are The 300, which was fantastic, The Watchmen, which was even more fantastic, and Man of Steel which was very underwhelming but certainly not bad.

You do with the PT though. Funny. You and many others with the gifs and videos and laughing in my face. You weren't the worst, but you still partook in that type of behavior.
No I don't. You were going on a bat**** crazy PT white-knight fanboy crusade and you got put in your place. You made like 3 threads and complained non-stop about anyone who simply didn't enjoy the prequels. You took every negative opinion of the PT personal. What you failed to understand, and what I and others tried to explain to you, is that the prequels get as much hate as they do because they're sub-par films and were a colossal disappointment. Not everyone who doesn't like the prequels feels that way specifically to spite you, believe it or not.

It's a completely different situation though as firstly, B v S isn't even out yet and there is far more hate in that thread for that movie than there is for the prequels in the TFA thread. I also specified the disgusting comments directed at Gal Gadot. You won't ever see me making such comments about Natalie Portman despite her acting being atrocious in those films.
Dawn of the dead WAS one of the best remakes ever made... that's is Almost a fact. (I know it is still an opinion) but even just on technical stuff it is one of the best remakes.
I remember when it came out a bunch of people were saying it was even better than the original. (Zombie fans, Not romero fans obviously)

Yeah, yeah... fast zombie suck bla bla bla (because the main complaint is fast zombies) that movie has a lot of iconic shots. So iconic, RESIDENT EVIL Ripped off the opening sequence of Dawn of the Dead...

300 IS a green screen movie, but again, it is one of the best green screen movies ever made... it is much better made than Star wars or Sin City 2...

300 could have been crap, just look at 300 sequel, 300 was great for a green screen movie. maybe the best one.
I actually have never watched Sucker Punch, not really my thing so I can't speak to that one but to act like Snyder is a terrible director is just plain wrong. Simply look at what his movies make;

Man of Steel - $291,045,518
Sucker Punch - $36,392,502
Legend of the Guardians: The Owls - $55,675,313
Watchmen - $107,509,799
300 - $210,614,939
Dawn of the Dead - $59,020,957 2,748

Is he a modern day Coppola, or reinventing filmmaking? No, of course not, but much like Michael Bay who also gets this weird hate, these guys know how to direct and how to make money for their backers.
Wait, what. No. Michael Bay deserves all the hate he gets for the Transformers garbage he puts out. :lol
I think the only Snyder films I've seen are The 300, which was fantastic, The Watchmen, which was even more fantastic, and Man of Steel which was very underwhelming but certainly not bad.

No I don't. You were going on a bat**** crazy PT white-knight fanboy crusade and you got put in your place. You made like 3 threads and complained non-stop about anyone who simply didn't enjoy the prequels. You took every negative opinion of the PT personal. What you failed to understand, and what I and others tried to explain to you, is that the prequels get as much hate as they do because they're sub-par films and were a colossal disappointment. Not everyone who doesn't like the prequels feels that way specifically to spite you, believe it or not.

It's a completely different situation though as firstly, B v S isn't even out yet and there is far more hate in that thread for that movie than there is for the prequels in the TFA thread. I also specified the disgusting comments directed at Gal Gadot. You won't ever see me making such comments about Natalie Portman despite her acting being atrocious in those films.

1. No. Not at all. I tried to make a reasonable discussion but was misinterpreted as crazy and then some continued the jokes that were indeed directed at me.

2. Someone gonna reach through the screen and put me in my place?

3. One for the complainers, two that asked a legitimate question.

4. PT haters complain non-stop for 15 years. Me questioning them why they do that is not complaining. I stated multiple times I don't care why someone hates it, just why they continue to constantly complain. Was funny they got so sick and tired of hearing it... PT hate has diminished greatly since those threads.

5. No, just the directed comments at me, because you know... it was a personal shot at me...

6. No, I know why people hate them.

7. Your opinion, although I will agree many scenes from AOTC are bad.

8. Because it is not what everyone wanted, so they hated it.

9. Not everyone, but there are some here who do. Whether it is in a jokingly manor or not.

10. We now have both said our peace. This has been discussed to much. Let us move on.
I actually have never watched Sucker Punch, not really my thing so I can't speak to that one but to act like Snyder is a terrible director is just plain wrong. Simply look at what his movies make;

Man of Steel - $291,045,518
Sucker Punch - $36,392,502
Legend of the Guardians: The Owls - $55,675,313
Watchmen - $107,509,799
300 - $210,614,939
Dawn of the Dead - $59,020,957 2,748

Is he a modern day Coppola, or reinventing filmmaking? No, of course not, but much like Michael Bay who also gets this weird hate, these guys know how to direct and how to make money for their backers.

Phantom Menace - $474,544,677

Attack of the Clones - $310,676,740

Revenge of the Sith - $380,270,577

I love these movies and even I can admit the box office argument is a terrible argument.
Phantom Menace - $474,544,677

Attack of the Clones - $310,676,740

Revenge of the Sith - $380,270,577

I love these movies and even I can admit the box office argument is a terrible argument.

It's not when you're talking about a director's ability, especially when they're consistently successful. Nothing make people look more stupid than arguing about the two Star Wars trilogies. I love all six of them so you won't hear complaints from me but all six are made for children which somehow gets overlooked.
Comments like this are just insane. His Dawn of the Dead is considered by many to be the best zombie movie made, 300 is a great watch and Watchmen is one of the better comic book movies made.

It's not insane, I just don't like his style. I even bought HT Leonidas 'cause it was a great looking figure and thought, "I'd better watch the movie 'cause I've got the doll". What a bucket of tosh that 20 minutes was.

Sure he's done well at the box office. McDonald's sells heaps of Big Macs too.
Zack Snyder kept getting jobs after Watchmen AND sucker punch, George Lucas retired after the hate

Zack was given THE BIGGEST franchise to work with...even after the failure of Sucker Punch

George did a crappy CGI war plane movie and completely gave up :rotfl:rotfl
In a hundred years, people will still remember the good work that Lucas did before he Ja-Ja'd.

Not so sure about Snyder.
Zack Snyder kept getting jobs after Watchmen AND sucker punch, George Lucas retired after the hate

Zack was given THE BIGGEST franchise to work with...even after the failure of Sucker Punch

George did a crappy CGI war plane movie and completely gave up :rotfl:rotfl

No he didn't.

George made this masterpiece


Edit: This is a joke