Things I Hate

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Your trademark is safe, Mr Green. But we've got a Talk Like a Pirate Day, and a No Pants Day - how about a Talk in 3rd Person Day? Lejuan could really get into that.
Family drama......

Me and my woman are the only ones in our family's that are well off. We work for what we have. We've chosen not to have kids and get that tossed at us all the time by the rest of them. And of course when $$$ is needed, we are contacted. And usually only contacted for that. My sister in law's cell phone and cable are in my wifes name. She has access to her checking account to try to make sure it gets paid. Of course it doesn't. Right now, they are 5 months behind on them while we of course cover it. Wife tells her she needs to get paid up or it is being cut off and her sister unloads on her. We are ungrateful and live in a materialist world and don't care she has 3 kids to fend for. I was tasked with going over there to take their cable boxes. lol......NOPE.

Wife wants to move far away from her family. :lol

And the holidays are upon us. :lol

Best thing you can do is cut her off. She'll be fine. If she gets mad, she can just get glad again. As long as you give to her, she'll take.
Hahaha, will antenna suffice now a days? Analog are gone in the US. Does it pick up digital?

Maybe Mr. Green will be able to get ride of Cable and only get stream of the channel he wants, in the future.

You have to buy a special one now, but she doesn't need cable. And if she has internet, she can watch TV on that.
Family drama......

Me and my woman are the only ones in our family's that are well off. We work for what we have. We've chosen not to have kids and get that tossed at us all the time by the rest of them. And of course when $$$ is needed, we are contacted. And usually only contacted for that. My sister in law's cell phone and cable are in my wifes name. She has access to her checking account to try to make sure it gets paid. Of course it doesn't. Right now, they are 5 months behind on them while we of course cover it. Wife tells her she needs to get paid up or it is being cut off and her sister unloads on her. We are ungrateful and live in a materialist world and don't care she has 3 kids to fend for. I was tasked with going over there to take their cable boxes. lol......NOPE.

Wife wants to move far away from her family. :lol

And the holidays are upon us. :lol

First mistake was helping them out.
I hate this weekend. First, I go to my work Christmas party and everyone is coupled up but me. Then they were all sticks in the mud. Boring as hell. Worst party ever.

Then, it's been foggy since 3pm today. Freezing fog with very low visibility. Suppose to be that way all day tomorrow as well. Can't really go anywhere or do anything.

I hate this weekend. First, I go to my work Christmas party and everyone is coupled up but me. Then they were all sticks in the mud. Boring as hell. Worst party ever.

Then, it's been foggy since 3pm today. Freezing fog with very low visibility. Suppose to be that way all day tomorrow as well. Can't really go anywhere or do anything.


ween needs some lovin. lol

not related to Ween's post but just in general:
sometimes It amazes me when I hear about single women. Single men is a given, it's the norm, specially if the guy has no money or is ugly as hell :lol. But I would think women would have it much much easier in finding someone. sometimes it actually freaks me out when I see a really hot girl that is single and even complaining about it... that's like a huge red flag for me (not to ask her out but just in general red flag)
It's like, it makes me think... "This girl is easy a 9/10, has a nice body, her personality is cool, why the f-- is she complaining about being single for a long time?" :panic:
it makes me nervous to try to figure out why that is, because it must be some pretty f- ed up reason (why else?)

ween needs some lovin. lol

not related to Ween's post but just in general:
sometimes It amazes me when I hear about single women. Single men is a given, it's the norm, specially if the guy has no money or is ugly as hell :lol. But I would think women would have it much much easier in finding someone. sometimes it actually freaks me out when I see a really hot girl that is single and even complaining about it... that's like a huge red flag for me (not to ask her out but just in general red flag)
It's like, it makes me think... "This girl is easy a 9/10, has a nice body, her personality is cool, why the f-- is she complaining about being single for a long time?" :panic:
it makes me nervous to try to figure out why that is, because it must be some pretty f- ed up reason (why else?)

The answer is obvious.

She likes the PT.
Just because a woman can have any man she wants doesn't mean she wants any man she can have.

Bloody hell crows I can't believe that even needed to be said.

but she has such bad luck that she cannot find a guy for years? (talking about anyone at random like some of the girls I know) I understand being picky or having high standards (Why wouldn't a hot person have high standards.. why settle for less) I do get that. we all have out standards and we have our lists of types of people we want.

But when I see these really pretty girls being depressed about not having anyone, it makes me wonder about it. It's like... Really? not one guy was good enough 0r not one guy that they liked ask them out?
but, maybe I am thinking too hard about it and the answer is the high standard. (but then again having really high standards while being really miserable about their loneliness is pretty weird since one affects the other)
It feels bizarre for me because it feels like someone complaining about starvation while being in a buffet :lol yeah most of the food might be gross, but... the person is starving... surely there has to be Something good to eat at said imaginary buffet? :dunno
It is nature. Life is a risk. Sometimes it is better to step back and reflect. Loneliness might not be so bad. Depression is something else.

Still surprise Jennifer and Ben Afflect split. Such is life.
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but she has such bad luck that she cannot find a guy for years? (talking about anyone at random like some of the girls I know) I understand being picky or having high standards (Why wouldn't a hot person have high standards.. why settle for less) I do get that. we all have out standards and we have our lists of types of people we want.

But when I see these really pretty girls being depressed about not having anyone, it makes me wonder about it. It's like... Really? not one guy was good enough 0r not one guy that they liked ask them out?
but, maybe I am thinking too hard about it and the answer is the high standard. (but then again having really high standards while being really miserable about their loneliness is pretty weird since one affects the other)
It feels bizarre for me because it feels like someone complaining about starvation while being in a buffet :lol yeah most of the food might be gross, but... the person is starving... surely there has to be Something good to eat at said imaginary buffet? :dunno

You tend to over think most things.

There are all kinds of reasons why a women is single for years or never marries. Women don't need to get married these days. Women don't need a man to feel complete. Not all women want or can have children. Some have to work so much they don't have time to commit to a relationship. There's so many reasons. It's more than just having too many flaws or being a total *****.
Being single in on itself is not the part that freaks me out. A lot of people choose to be single.
The part that I freaky is young hot girls being miserable because they are single. Maybe guys of today are too gross or have nothing to offer... Might be the guys' fault. It is just weird

Is not even about marriage or kids. Is about being alone and not wanting to be alone... Being depressed because of it.
Being single in on itself is not the part that freaks me out. A lot of people choose to be single.
The part that I freaky is young hot girls being miserable because they are single. Maybe guys of today are too gross or have nothing to offer... Might be the guys' fault. It is just weird

Is not even about marriage or kids. Is about being alone and not wanting to be alone... Being depressed because of it.

Maybe they're shy around men they're attracted too. Maybe they're simply scared of relationships. Nothing weird about it. It happens. It's not like most women will sit at home and say, I'm lonely, think I'll go to a myself. Not going to happen.