Things I Hate

Collector Freaks Forum

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Maybe they're shy around men they're attracted too. Maybe they're simply scared of relationships. Nothing weird about it. It happens. It's not like most women will sit at home and say, I'm lonely, think I'll go to a myself. Not going to happen.

thanks for the comments. I understand it better now. your points make sense.
Mathematics, Political Science, History are my three options. I can get a double major if I go year round. Still undecided. All three programs are all part of the college of the Literature, Science and the Arts at Mich, so I have a little wiggle room, just need to narrow it down to two. Everyone says math math math, but I really want a job with the government. Some great intern opportunities and a lot of career options if one plays his cards rights. I want to be like a congressman or senator. Most think it is stupid, I don't know.

(PS, some might think I full of ****, but If I am to be completely honest... I communicate bad online and come off to strong, to ignorant, and with a sense of I am always right in a lot of my posts. I actually am a really talented public speaker. The speech and communication classes I took I got standing ovations for the dumbest of speeches, teacher loved me and said I was a natural. I just communicate better in person than online. :dunno )
Mathematics, Political Science, History are my three options. I can get a double major if I go year round. Still undecided. All three programs are all part of the college of the Literature, Science and the Arts at Mich, so I have a little wiggle room, just need to narrow it down to two. Everyone says math math math, but I really want a job with the government. Some great intern opportunities and a lot of career options if one plays his cards rights. I want to be like a congressman or senator. Most think it is stupid, I don't know.

(PS, some might think I full of ****, but If I am to be completely honest... I communicate bad online and come off to strong, to ignorant, and with a sense of I am always right in a lot of my posts. I actually am a really talented public speaker. The speech and communication classes I took I got standing ovations for the dumbest of speeches, teacher loved me and said I was a natural. I just communicate better in person than online. :dunno )

Unless you're really good in math, your only real option is to be a math teacher. Very, very few get job like for NASA and such. Some branch into IT/Computer, which isn't much math. What ever you do, don't go for sociology, psychology, or art. They're like starving degree, unless you want to aim for a high degree, lol.
This message board kinda sucks now. Every day it's more and more evident that this place just isn't what it was. A lot of us haven't changed and our posting style has remained the same, but the forum itself? Maaaaan. I can't believe how easily offended members and some of the "staff" are about things on here. Little, fun digs with movie references we'd make at each other years ago for laughs are now bannable offenses. It won't surprise me if all negativity is prohibited in the future.

I can't wait to see what this place is like in 2016, hopefully I make it!
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This message board kinda sucks now. Every day it's more and more evident that this place just isn't what it was. A lot of us haven't changed and our posting style has remained the same, but the forum itself? Maaaaan. I can't believe how easily offended members and some of the "staff" are about things on here. Little, fun digs with movie references we'd make at each other years ago for laughs are now bannable offenses. It won't surprise me if all negativity is prohibited in the future.

I can't wait to see what this place is like in 2016, hopefully I make it!

You said it, I feel like nam did when he was calling people on the board winey little tittie baby's :lol

Not sure anything can be done about it, seems like the next generation of freaks are a reflection of society as it is today where being politically correct is the end all be all. You can't even not like a toy now without offending someone:dunno
You said it, I feel like nam did when he was calling people on the board winey little tittie baby's :lol

Not sure anything can be done about it, seems like the next generation of freaks are a reflection of society as it is today where being politically correct is the end all be all. You can't even not like a toy now without offending someone:dunno

Maybe have a "safe zone" section where we only post encouraging and complimentary statements haha

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like gamergirl18