Things I Hate

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People may donate you money if they like your videos and want more or better quality...
No one should be forced to watch adds or be told to turn off addblock.
After all, it's just an incredibly cheap entertainment.


Kinda hated how quickly and easily he said that it's not piracy.
As if piracy never was a double-edged sword.
Janitor, I believe.

I keep my adblocking software up-to-date at all times. Also have a plugin for my browser that forces all Flash content into HTML5. Nothing gets me angrier than some self-entitled, usually millennial, brat pissing and whining on YouTube about how they work soooo hard creating content, and it's a full-time job to them.

You sit in a lightbox with a camera for a few hours a day and edit the footage from the comfort of your desk or a coffee shop, you parasites :mad: Try working in construction sometime, see how 16+ hours a day of constant backbreaking labour compares.

I have nothing against someone making money however they can. If I could make good money working from home, I would do it. I won't slam someone else who can do it.
I have nothing against someone making money however they can. If I could make good money working from home, I would do it. I won't slam someone else who can do it.

Indeed. We all gotta make our way however we can. If there's a market for it, and it hurts no-one, why not tap it?
I have nothing against someone making money however they can. If I could make good money working from home, I would do it. I won't slam someone else who can do it.

Indeed. We all gotta make our way however we can. If there's a market for it, and it hurts no-one, why not tap it?

I'd say personally it should have been obvious to even the most casual observer that the 'YouTube money' phenomena was a bubble only a handful of content creators could possibly survive bursting. There's absolutely nothing wrong with making money from an unconventional revenue stream but in this case it should have been painfully clear this wasn't something you could make a long-term career out of.

I'd also say on top of that there's a good number of content creators on platforms like YouTube who do create interesting and wholly original material, rather than having to resort to cutting up a Blu-Ray in Premiere or Final Cut Pro and inserting some talking head footage, and they're the ones who deserve to be making money off the platform (yet ironically don't because putting actual effort into content usually results in shorter videos and less frequent uploads, something not favoured by YT's new monetisation system).
"Deserve" has got nothing to do with it. You either support the concept of 'fair use' or you don't. How you feel about the quality of what results from it is moot.
YouTube gave it
YouTube can take it away. Using YouTube is a privilege which they forgot.
(I know they bring views and money to YouTube, but YouTube doesn't need them. THEY need YouTube)

I find it funny that they are crying so much. They can easily create their own site and upload vids without YouTube
They actually ALREADY have their own sites..... All this crying seems funny since they could choose another video website

Yup. You exploit a particular platform you gotta play by their rules, no matter how crumby.
I think it's irritating when they say "but at the end I think it's worth the money" when they didn't pay a damn penny for it.

I don't mind people getting crap for free, but don't call it a "review". Showcase is more fitting.
I find it funny that they are crying so much.
They can easily create their own site and upload vids without YouTube
They actually ALREADY have their own sites...
100% agree.
Unfortunately to store videos on your site you have to pay monthly extras.
Or have your own server, which is a huge pain in the ass.

It would be pretty cool to make all ur money on YouTube, who wouldn't want that right?
I wouldn't want to spend my active life making parody reviews for the internet crowd.
It's not something to be proud of.
I don't watch any of those videos. Too annoying. I enjoy fan made tribute videos, but even those are being pulled. :(
When you come so close to a decision to sell something and then find a compelling reason not to sell it during the boxing away process. Money that almost was...

I should clarify that I was not in negotiation with anyone, this isn't me flaking out on a buyer.
When you come so close to a decision to sell something and then find a compelling reason not to sell it during the boxing away process. Money that almost was...

I should clarify that I was not in negotiation with anyone, this isn't me flaking out on a buyer.

I took HT Godfather out of display and into the box, but the set is so big I haven't been bothered to take the next step and package it for sale. I have no other compelling reason not to sell it, just my own laziness.
I hate that some just left me negative feedback because he left a negative comment on my sales thread and I called him out. Keep in mind there was never any contact about making a deal.
I hope this jerk abusing the system with fake feedback gets banned.

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I took HT Godfather out of display and into the box, but the set is so big I haven't been bothered to take the next step and package it for sale. I have no other compelling reason not to sell it, just my own laziness.

How about this - not only have I failed to follow through on my earlier determination to sell this figure, I've now found ways in which to improve it and my ebay watch list has expanded as a result. Far from boosting my paypal balance, I'll be spending more money instead. And probably signing up for a custom project that selling this figure was intended to avert. :yess:
How about this - not only have I failed to follow through on my earlier determination to sell this figure, I've now found ways in which to improve it and my ebay watch list has expanded as a result. Far from boosting my paypal balance, I'll be spending more money instead. And probably signing up for a custom project that selling this figure was intended to avert. :yess:

That's pretty good sleight-of-thought :lol How about this - the intention to sell my SS ANH Vader to offset the cost of an upgrade was what enabled me to shell out for the HT version. If I got the likely $200 for the SS, the upgrade would end up at $150. I boxed up the SS and photoshopped an ebay ad for it. But the gauntlets on the HT version are so hideous that when it arrives I'm probably going to switch them out for the SS ones. And maybe the body suit and belt as well. By the time Vader is back on the shelf he'll have cost me $550 :woo
That's pretty good sleight-of-thought :lol How about this - the intention to sell my SS ANH Vader to offset the cost of an upgrade was what enabled me to shell out for the HT version. If I got the likely $200 for the SS, the upgrade would end up at $150. I boxed up the SS and photoshopped an ebay ad for it. But the gauntlets on the HT version are so hideous that when it arrives I'm probably going to switch them out for the SS ones. And maybe the body suit and belt as well. By the time Vader is back on the shelf he'll have cost me $550 :woo

Great success in our personal economy endeavours. :lol