Things I Hate

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Yeah so we're clear, I never mentioned my job on my profile. Maybe some threads but maybe only last year and very far back. And even then, why would you inquire about it so creepily? Why did you care so much?

Also I didn't even know you were on MFC, because you never told me. Still creepy, especially because you were inquiring peoples' jobs at the time. I actually don't know whether to believe you on that or not.
Yeah so we're clear, I never mentioned my job on my profile. Maybe some threads but maybe only last year and very far back. And even then, why would you inquire about it so creepily? Why did you care so much?

Also I didn't even know you were on MFC, because you never told me. Still creepy, especially because you were inquiring peoples' jobs at the time. I actually don't know whether to believe you on that or not.

Creeping your old posts and then trying to use your occupation as a way of judging you? That just validates someone sad existence in life.
Yeah so we're clear, I never mentioned my job on my profile. Maybe some threads but maybe only last year and very far back. And even then, why would you inquire about it so creepily? Why did you care so much?

Also I didn't even know you were on MFC, because you never told me. Still creepy, especially because you were inquiring peoples' jobs at the time. I actually don't know whether to believe you on that or not.

Don't believe me then. Dunno what else to tell ya. Sorry. Been a member there for quite a long time. Saw your name, was curious to see if it was the same person. Mentioned it to get back all of you who were doing the same thing to me. Only reason I remembered it was because I have a really good memory, close to photographic to be honest. I just remember a lot of stuff I read. :dunno

I still am waiting on an explanation about you all googled by username and found a twitter account with the same name.... saying it was me. Or asking questions about my life consistently.... I guess that is okay.

Plastic, I don't know why you would spread bull **** lies. I will be expecting an apology. Just real sick what you did.
Creeping your old posts and then trying to use your occupation as a way of judging you? That just validates someone sad existence in life.

Boy do you have it all wrong. That is what they did to me. But hey, it is me playing the victim. Just ******** stupid.
Man. Just forget about this dude, he'll eventually STFU and go away.

Anyway, I hate that my dog has 3 beds, each more confy than the other (one is even tempur-pedic like) and no matter what, he chooses to sleep on the freaking cat's treehouse. All the time. Cat finds it amusing.

Ok, I don't hate it, it's hilarious.

I'm done posting on this side of the board. It is clear that there is a group whose main goal is to make me feel like ****, spread lies, troll me, follow me around thread to thread, and wish death upon me.

Just sad.

Don't believe me then. Dunno what else to tell ya. Sorry. Been a member there for quite a long time. Saw your name, was curious to see if it was the same person. Mentioned it to get back all of you who were doing the same thing to me. Only reason I remembered it was because I have a really good memory, close to photographic to be honest. I just remember a lot of stuff I read. :dunno

I still am waiting on an explanation about you all googled by username and found a twitter account with the same name.... saying it was me. Or asking questions about my life consistently.... I guess that is okay.

Plastic, I don't know why you would spread bull **** lies. I will be expecting an apology. Just real sick what you did.

Boy do you have it all wrong. That is what they did to me. But hey, it is me playing the victim. Just ******** stupid.

For once, you're right.
Now you reply. :lol:lol:lol I didn't know PMing was immature. Nah, acting like child passing little secret notes is. I'm right here people, feel free to speak :lol :wave

Now I reply? I read it and replyed.

I never said PMing was immature. You called me immature in your PM. And I knew full well that the one line visitor's post to Joe was public. I didn't say anything that wasn't true. I didn't PM, or pass a little note to her.

I said I was sorry for offending you. Good grief.
Man. Just forget about this dude, he'll eventually STFU and go away.

Anyway, I hate that my dog has 3 beds, each more confy than the other (one is even tempur-pedic like) and no matter what, he chooses to sleep on the freaking cat's treehouse. All the time. Cat finds it amusing.

Ok, I don't hate it, it's hilarious.


I'm surprised the cats aren't stealing HIS bed. Maybe you should put a cover over the bed like a little house. Maybe he likes the secure feeling he gets.
I'm surprised the cats aren't stealing HIS bed. Maybe you should put a cover over the bed like a little house. Maybe he likes the secure feeling he gets.

I never really thought about it that way. He's treated like royalty (they both are), we love them to death.

But the way he interacts with the Cat is amazing. They truly love each other.

Jezuz, looks like someone had a meltdown.

That is cute. How the **** does it get up there? :lol


He's one of the most agile dogs I've ever had. That guy can jump.
None of the dogs I've owned would ever willingly go in a cage/kennel/doggy-house. Even if it was pooring rain outside.

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how big was it? was it comfy inside? well my dog did hate it at first, i should say, and he was very angry at first, but for some reason he ended up loving it .
Some had blankets and pillows, others didn't. Varying shapes and sizes. It made no difference.