Things I Hate

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1) That the only weighing scales I have access to right now is ****ing useless
2) That Hot Toys figures are right on the cusp of size and weight for something being a packet or a parcel (for shipping purposes) and if it's a parcel the cost of shipping pretty much ****ing doubles.

I have no way of knowing for sure which it'll be and if there's anything I could do about it because I can't weight the damn thing.
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This is what I F@#$ing hate!

My ex fiancée! Seriously she had mental problems not routine men complain about women. Back in September she cried and begged me never to leave her. I promised her. Went to a therapist, took antidepressants cause she claimed had depression. Complained of not eating cause made stomach hurt even drinking, then having bathroom issues. Lots of issues, through it all I stuck with her through the pain, to see a person I knew let her mental health change her... To the point she tried leaving me over and over, telling me I'm controlling cause I wanted to spend time with (granted long distance) her even just a little bit, telling me need space, to the point she thought she needed to think about our love. Said I wasn't supportive of her when I was. Then she was going to move in with another man (I knew nothing about said he was friend)... I went off on her... the urges of my hurt made me just not care anymore... but now at 2 weeks... I feel at a loss of a failure because of my promise... even though I know... I didn't break it. Honestly it'll be hard to transition to trust on a new person, because being told person, because being told you loved forever is different than feeling.. Often I've looked back into tribulations back then we had, but it wasn't nothing severe enough to cause her to go AWOL. Honestly most people say I was just played, that she just used me and that if I wasn't good enough for her motives move on. And that's another that hurt, being that my knees are bad, said she didn't want to cater to me rest of my life. It's not that I forced her to, just wanted her love... I didn't care for money, looks, just that she was here for me... as much as I was for her.

Now every night I cry myself to sleep to just replay bad memories of events that have played out and when I remember all the good things she use to be... it tears me up inside...

But alas... it was my own fault Gemini have Multiple Personalties... I just didn't want to believe some hoky baloky bs on a person I treasured more than myself...

Yeah I put together a bit but alas... a ring that will never be a purpose and a life I'll never have.

I've been binge listening to RED and 5FDP just to boost my morale... to keep going...
i recommend NIN pretty hate machine and the downward spiral.

you can pick up the pieces and heal the scars you cant see.
Getting a message from eBay that I can get 3x-4x eBay bucks on purchases, after I already made all the purchases I planned on getting.