Things I Hate

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It being illegal is silly, always was. It's just that the government and their high moral ground doesn't want to legalize it and tax it.
It's hilarious in the scene when Bateman's doing it with the prostitutes, he's more focused on his own reflection in the mirror and flexing his biceps :rotfl.

I was simply referring to female companionship in the form of escorts :dunno

(but prostitution is legal where I'm from :yess:)

I can drink to that.


It's hilarious in the scene when Bateman's doing it with the prostitutes, he's more focused on his own reflection in the mirror and flexing his biceps :rotfl.

I've done that once, just for the goof :lol
Dating sucks for us women too.

In a different way, girls don't really have to put yourself out there. And its also 1000x easier to meet men. i understand guys are jerks and most just want that one thing. And harassment is a major issue. But even that said, it sucks way more for guys.

hahahahahah, ok.. i deserve that.

what were your 4 bad experiences? just made me curious,

Also all dating now is done online, dont know if thats what you did, but, no one really cares unless you have a tindr profile

I hate online dating, the pool isn't very big here in scotland, so it takes alot of swipes to find anyone you like and maybe 1 out of those 10 will match. Online dating is benefit only to women imo. Even then its hard to get to know someone online. You can talk for weeks on chat but tell in 5 minutes irl if you are compatible. But i feel its more for hookups more than anything.

On my bad experiences... Ill try and keep this short: 1st girl I met, works at a salsa bar i frequent. Very flirty, asks me where she can go salsa (she cant at her work) i tell her ill take her out somewhere, she enthusiastically agrees, i text. no reply. I see her next time and shes cold. So, Ok shes not into it thats cool. next time i see her - super flirty again. and its been hot and cold that way since.

next girl asked me out on a date, I texted. No reply.. :dunno

next girl, seems sweet genuine and interested. Again enthusiastically agrees to a date, i text. No reply. I bumped into her the other day and she gives me this look like im a stalker or something then avoided me, that was a first. I text her once, thats it.

next girl i went on a date with, has a boyfriend she neglected to tell me about, the only reason i found out is a mutual friend told me.

I don't want to sleep around, or be an *******, but thats the most successful way to meet girls here for some reason, by being a ****. I refuse to live that life, its not me. Again i literally never have these issue anywhere else but here. Id much rather have a girl tell me no thanks, but i just get time wasters

I guess the bright side is I avoided putting the time/effort on bad quality women... but the good ones are soo far and few between.
I'd recommend going on as many coffee dates as possible just for the fun of it. Even with those women who don't necessarily appeal at first glance. Enjoy meeting people without an agenda. You might hear some interesting stories even if you don't meet a match for a while.
In a different way, girls don't really have to put yourself out there. And its also 1000x easier to meet men. i understand guys are jerks and most just want that one thing. And harassment is a major issue. But even that said, it sucks way more for guys.

hahahahahah, ok.. i deserve that.

I hate online dating, the pool isn't very big here in scotland, so it takes alot of swipes to find anyone you like and maybe 1 out of those 10 will match. Online dating is benefit only to women imo. Even then its hard to get to know someone online. You can talk for weeks on chat but tell in 5 minutes irl if you are compatible. But i feel its more for hookups more than anything.

On my bad experiences... Ill try and keep this short: 1st girl I met, works at a salsa bar i frequent. Very flirty, asks me where she can go salsa (she cant at her work) i tell her ill take her out somewhere, she enthusiastically agrees, i text. no reply. I see her next time and shes cold. So, Ok shes not into it thats cool. next time i see her - super flirty again. and its been hot and cold that way since.

next girl asked me out on a date, I texted. No reply.. :dunno

next girl, seems sweet genuine and interested. Again enthusiastically agrees to a date, i text. No reply. I bumped into her the other day and she gives me this look like im a stalker or something then avoided me, that was a first. I text her once, thats it.

next girl i went on a date with, has a boyfriend she neglected to tell me about, the only reason i found out is a mutual friend told me.

I don't want to sleep around, or be an *******, but thats the most successful way to meet girls here for some reason, by being a ****. I refuse to live that life, its not me. Again i literally never have these issue anywhere else but here. Id much rather have a girl tell me no thanks, but i just get time wasters

I guess the bright side is I avoided putting the time/effort on bad quality women... but the good ones are soo far and few between.

It really is just as hard for women. The only times a woman doesn't have to put herself out there if she's giving off a "I'm easy" vibe. Otherwise, we're in the same boat.

There are still plenty of guys who look down on women if they approach a guy or ask them out, so most of us rely on meeting guys through mutual friends.

I once had a guy walk past me in a store and said hi in passing. Fine. That's happens. Next thing I know he's approaching me in the parking lot wanting to ask me out.

Mr. Green get the feeling female play games a lot. Like the first approach, they act like he's invisible or a second rate citizen. 3 months later or at the end of the semester(before graduation) and it's like they're in season. Such turn off.
^stop reading women's magazine blackmask...retrieve your nuts.
90% of the guys in the 9-10 bracket are gays anyway.
It really is just as hard for women. The only times a woman doesn't have to put herself out there if she's giving off a "I'm easy" vibe. Otherwise, we're in the same boat.

There are still plenty of guys who look down on women if they approach a guy or ask them out, so most of us rely on meeting guys through mutual friends.

I once had a guy walk past me in a store and said hi in passing. Fine. That's happens. Next thing I know he's approaching me in the parking lot wanting to ask me out.


Those type of guys don't deserve your attention. If a guy can't take a girl approaching him then he's got some major insecurities.

And the car park dude, he was too scared to approach you at first. As I said most guys find the approach Terrifying, alot of people cant take rejection. It probably took him that long to gather the confidence

well the thing i notice is that what some girls dont get is that if the girl is a 6-7 lets say, they only want the 9-10 guys, expect to be able to get the 9-10 guys, deserve the 9-10 guys :lol
I notice that a lot online, there were even some studies how in dating sites, the 30% of hot guys would date over more than 60% of the women, the same guys taking out girl after girl after girl lol

I would totally believe that. But to he fair to those women, they get approached more than anyone. Guys are to scared to talk to 9-10s. That's why I think a lot of 9-10s have no social skills, men and women act different around them.

At the same time I've seen a lot of couples who are miss matched looks wise. (Not a bad thing at all) I think the people you meet where there's an opportunity for a relationship to grow naturally isn't very many.
Ween, i think that the guy that said hi could have been a good thing. You shot him down because he said hi in the store? Guess i dont get it........was he just not attractive or is it something else? I feel like women do the weirdest things for the weirdest reasons, maybe i dont get your reasoning in turning him down, was he a "creeper"? Im not attacking you btw, i feel like its so much harder these days to get the courage up to talk to women because they are so different now. This is coming from someone with a gf so im not spitefully single.

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Hot guys are never labeled creepy lol.

Only the ugly ones. ( same goes for the whole cat lady thing)

That is true, the only difference between a creep and a romantic guy is whether they find them attractive. majority of the time. The rest are actual creeps though hah

Im still looking for the thing i saw.
It basically just said the same 30% hot guys keep being "shared" on dates and casual sex by a lot of the women ( up to 70%) in those sites and they dont even really know.
Some girls are hoping for a relationship with the guys but they dont call back, so the girls end up alone and angry about it, the hot 30% guys are just cruising and it is easy because everyone messages them, everyone else ends up being sad.

What dating site is this!? haha

I have a feeling I'm not as super successful online is because im black. I read that White guys get way more matches than any other race by far. A very sad statistic
I think I might be a cat lady. Also, I collect Barbie dolls and have a "great personality" - pure gold to put onto any dating site, right there. :lol

...maybe that label doesn't quite fit. I will have to see once I complete my escape from debtors' prison.

I hate that I seem to be surrounded by hippies and rednecks.
I remember there was one cat girl in my college classes that was alright. Not hot, not ugly, just okay. Her obsession with felines was pretty annoying, though.