Things I Hate

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How much was it and where you can get it

They are pricey, but well worth the money. Mine was around 3K (4 years ago) and it feels like new.

Nice furniture stores have them, you should try the different models they offer, as I'm sure the price has gone down a bit from when I got one. They truly are life changing.
They are pricey, but well worth the money. Mine was around 3K (4 years ago) and it feels like new.

Nice furniture stores have them, you should try the different models they offer, as I'm sure the price has gone down a bit from when I got one. They truly are life changing.

That's a memory foam mattress right? They've dropped in prove by a lot in the past few years.

I got a futon style mattress for the past couple years. It's also quite comfortable, and different than the usual spring. But I've heard epic things about the memory foam
That's a memory foam mattress right? They've dropped in prove by a lot in the past few years.

I got a futon style mattress for the past couple years. It's also quite comfortable, and different than the usual spring. But I've heard epic things about the memory foam

Yes, it is. There's some "store" brands that are also cheaper, but I went for the real thing and the outstanding warranty on them (like Vitamix blenders).

They truly are amazing, best purchase I have seriously ever made. My body appetites it.
Yes, it is. There's some "store" brands that are also cheaper, but I went for the real thing and the outstanding warranty on them (like Vitamix blenders).

They truly are amazing, best purchase I have seriously ever made. My body appetites it.

Personal question I know, but how is the bed for.. Other activities, compared to regular mattresses?
I hear ya. I am so hating my job right now. My boss in particular. I'm going to file a grievance that I know will go no where anyway, but she hates that so I'm doing it.

Long story short.....I'm getting less pay than others who have worked less years than me. F' that ****.
Some women can be very vindictive in the work place. My last boss purposefully held me back from progressing. Literally as soon as she left the new boss made me manager.

My first boss was my favourite boss though, she was genuinely a great people person.
When you start selling pieces and their boxes are five feet behind this

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Could I ask, so sideshow mark their boxes in anyway.
I've ordered some sideshow to get delivered to family in US. Then send it to me in the UK. To avoid the heavy customs fees I want them to mark down the price
I hate how I feel right now. Mad, hurt and screwed over. My stomach is in knots and I've got a terrible headache.

Ugh :monkey4
Could I ask, so sideshow mark their boxes in anyway.
I've ordered some sideshow to get delivered to family in US. Then send it to me in the UK. To avoid the heavy customs fees I want them to mark down the price

You mean, if you can ask SSC to declare a lower value so you can avoid paying import taxes? You can certainly ask them, but they won't do it. The same goes for every major retailer.