Things I Hate

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Another traffic ticket? ;)

I seem to be a magnet for it.

Slow down, ***hole.

I wasn't speeding.
Expired inspection sticker. Failure to show proof of insurance. January 31.

I usually contest my tickets just to have more time to pay, but I had been working for weeks on end with no days off, so my sense of time was shot. I forgot, and this time it was important because I did have insurance. All I had to do was send a copy. I didn't.

That got my license suspended. I also missed the pay-by date. To get my license back, I had to pay both tickets, $100 late fee, plus $100 reinstatement, plus file an SR-22. Basically, the better part of a week's pay, all told.

On top of that, my registration ran out April 30. Can't register without the SR-22. Saturday, it got me pulled over. Operating after suspension is a felony in Maine and the officer was kind enough to not arrest me. I have a court date in July.

So, since Saturday night, I've been doing the hundred mile round trip to work in utter terror. Monday morning I pawned my bass, paid everything, and was informed by State Farm that it would be 3-5 days before they could get the SR-22 to Motor Vehicles. Still waiting. On top of that, I just learned that a second OAS will make me a habitual offender and not only will I get arrested and towed, I will lose my license for 5 years.

To say that I ****ing hate everyone and everything connected to these laws is an understatement. They can all choke on broken glass as far as I'm concerned. ****ing parasites. Driving is not a privilege and any cop, legislator or bureaucrat who thinks it's not a right belongs on a ****ing breakfast plate next to some eggs and toast.
Jesus! Canada has some strict ****ing laws!!! That's some BS. Good luck, hope you can get it all worked out ASAP.

Brah, move out of Canada!
Expired inspection sticker. Failure to show proof of insurance. January 31.

I usually contest my tickets just to have more time to pay, but I had been working for weeks on end with no days off, so my sense of time was shot. I forgot, and this time it was important because I did have insurance. All I had to do was send a copy. I didn't.

That got my license suspended. I also missed the pay-by date. To get my license back, I had to pay both tickets, $100 late fee, plus $100 reinstatement, plus file an SR-22. Basically, the better part of a week's pay, all told.

On top of that, my registration ran out April 30. Can't register without the SR-22. Saturday, it got me pulled over. Operating after suspension is a felony in Maine and the officer was kind enough to not arrest me. I have a court date in July.

So, since Saturday night, I've been doing the hundred mile round trip to work in utter terror. Monday morning I pawned my bass, paid everything, and was informed by State Farm that it would be 3-5 days before they could get the SR-22 to Motor Vehicles. Still waiting. On top of that, I just learned that a second OAS will make me a habitual offender and not only will I get arrested and towed, I will lose my license for 5 years.

To say that I ****ing hate everyone and everything connected to these laws is an understatement. They can all choke on broken glass as far as I'm concerned. ****ing parasites. Driving is not a privilege and any cop, legislator or bureaucrat who thinks it's not a right belongs on a ****ing breakfast plate next to some eggs and toast.

Real life sucks. I hope you are back to worrying about dolls soon. :duff
I never understood that driving is a privilege crap. We buy a license to drive. We register our vehicles. We pay insurance. Our taxes pay for the roads and the upkeep of them. How is driving not a right?