Things I Hate

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I've had a mixed bag of eBay taking either side. But I'd say more often than not they do. But again, this isn't about that at all... were talking about lazy packing methods.
I just find it astounding to me that you need to ask either of them to do above the bare minimum, and SSC wants $10 to do so. I never order books or manga from Amazon anymore, since everything comes dog eared.

I don't understand. It takes no effort to write a note..

And if I'm not buying a collectible item, like most people, I don't care. So why would it come standard?
Good lord, this conversation is going in circles. For like the third time, when getting collectibles shipped... they should always get double boxed... every other retailer to my knowledge does what SSC doesn't for free... and when you ask them, they charge you $10.

As for Amazon, I don't care how they ship most items to me since I don't buy collectibles from them, since they just let it do backflips in the box.
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Good lord, this conversation is going in circles. For like the third time, when getting collectibles shipped... they should always get double boxed... every other retailer to my knowledge does what SSC doesn't for free... and when you ask them, they charge you $10.

As for Amazon, I don't care how they ship most items to me since I don't buy collectibles from them, since they just let it do backflips in the box.

I'll back you up! I won't but single books from them anymore, you need to buy at least 3 before they'll put it in a box.
The last statue I bought from them was the new DC Constantine one and it was the third order before it was undamaged. They stuck it in a massive box with a single 4x6" air bag, one tiny air bag!

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People at the drive-thru who leave way too much space between their car and the one in front.

Good lord, this conversation is going in circles. For like the third time, when getting collectibles shipped... they should always get double boxed... every other retailer to my knowledge does what SSC doesn't for free... and when you ask them, they charge you $10.

As for Amazon, I don't care how they ship most items to me since I don't buy collectibles from them, since they just let it do backflips in the box.

Ah, my bad. I didn't realise you we're talking about Sideshow. Thanks for the heads up. Will make sure they do so.

They really charge you extra for bubble-rap and the sorts!? That's ridiculous.

I just ordered an art book from amazon. Funnily enough it came in a massive box and bubble rapped. I also ordered a revolmini Snake which was way cheaper and funnily enough it got hit with customs. (£14 what the actual ******)
People with pencil bodies who think they need to jog.

Cardio. I used to practically every day for a year. Got injured and stopped for a month.

When I started rubbing again its like I never ran a day in my life.

Conversely I stopped hitting weights at the gum for a year. Started again, I could pretty much do the same weights as when I stopped
Cardio. I used to practically every day for a year. Got injured and stopped for a month.

When I started rubbing again its like I never ran a day in my life.

Conversely I stopped hitting weights at the gum for a year. Started again, I could pretty much do the same weights as when I stopped

like a 14yr old oozing with hormones, rubbing it hard??
note to past self:

dooood, lube it. :monkey4
Fatties that stare at my pencil body as I jog.

