Things I Hate

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Lots of vitamin B12, melatonin, and vitamin D. I also took some prescriptions for a few weeks and they helped take the edge off, but after that they just made me feel crappy so I stopped them (with my doctors advice). If you do seek medical help I made a point of seeing a doctor who favored natural remedies over doctors who will just throw prescription drugs at the problem.

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Lots of vitamin B12, melatonin, and vitamin D. I also took some prescriptions for a few weeks and they helped take the edge off, but after that they just made me feel crappy so I stopped them (with my doctors advice). If you do seek medical help I made a point of seeing a doctor who favored natural remedies over doctors who will just throw prescription drugs at the problem.

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They made me feel shivery and uptight after a while. No fosing, it wasn't Valium. I don't recall what they were called. The b12 was a shot. I did three of those then I just took the b12 pill for a few months.

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Lots of vitamin B12, melatonin, and vitamin D. I also took some prescriptions for a few weeks and they helped take the edge off, but after that they just made me feel crappy so I stopped them (with my doctors advice). If you do seek medical help I made a point of seeing a doctor who favored natural remedies over doctors who will just throw prescription drugs at the problem.

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Luckily I have a doctor who knows about both.

Big thing is Vitamin D. Most people aren't getting enough of it since being in the sun so much isn't good for you and people are also eating less dairy these days. I take 4,000 IU of Vitamin D3 a day, plus what's in my multi.
I was given some pills to help with the sleep problem like a month ago and they said i have some anxiety but they knocked me out for 3 days, I was awake but it felt like I was dreaming, it was the weirdest thing. I would go to sleep and wake up and still feel like i was dreaming. thank god I tried it on the weekend, It did help with sleeping but then it became too strong. it also made me feel sick in my stomach.

how did the medicine made you feel crappy? ( I have taken vitamin D before but havent tried b12, I was looking for melatonin but didn't want to get robbed by the fake ones.

Stick with Nature Made or Nature's Valley and you'll be okay. Just be careful about what you read on the internet about vitamins because some of that BS is put out by companies just trying to get you to buy their very expensive products.
I usually use over the counter sleeping pills. So it's quite light. And even then I use it for one 2 days max. That way I get my body into a normal rhythm.

Weed works on some people only. It used to keep me up sometimes

senseless deaths. wt***z.
I saw the "violent attack" full unedited video. If anything, the Gorilla was scared from everyone screaming and protected the boy in his own way. It was a show of dominance. The Zoo isn't there to babysit your kid. He didn't just fall in, it probably took him awhile to climb into the enclosure while the mother was probably stuffing McDonald's into her other kid's mouths.
Yea that is just a ****** situation all around. Parents fault for not paying attention to their offspring at a facility with powerful wild animals, and the gorilla for doing gorilla things.
you cant just "fall" in such enclosure. who was watching the kid?
that wild animal is pretty innocent. they took him from the wild and caged him. now he's dead because somebody sux at parenting. pretty senseless.

they could've at least used tranquilizers.