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I don't think they could tranquilize him. They don't work instantly. Would have pissed him off and prolly would have turned the toddler into a wifflebat.

Think Ferrigno Hulk getting trank'd :lol

senseless deaths. wt***z.

Pisses me off. Meanwhile, the parents are thanking God that their kid is ok. They certainly didn't give a **** about him when they decided to ignore him long enough for him to go "under a rail, through wires, and over a moat wall to get into the enclosure". I think the ****** parents owe the zoo a rare gorilla.
They were worried it would freak out if they used them, and it would take 10 minutes or so to take effect. They're not inherently dangerous. If it wanted to kill the child, it would of whenever it wanted.

Everyone remembers this one, how it placed itself between the kid and the other Gorillas.

Pisses me off. Meanwhile, the parents are thanking God that their kid is ok. They certainly didn't give a **** about him when they decided to ignore him long enough for him to go "under a rail, through wires, and over a moat wall to get into the enclosure". I think the ****** parents owe the zoo a rare gorilla.

I hope they lose their kids, although that would probably be a blessing to them since they obviously don't give a **** about them. Apparently they were going off on Facebook yesterday that people were criticizing their "parenting."
I hope they lose their kids. Apparently they were going off on Facebook yesterday that people were criticizing their "parenting."

**** them. It's easier for them to get mad at everyone else than accept that their lack of parenting had real consequences. I'm sure they'll pass on that lack of responsibility to their kids.
I'd love to see the chain of events leading to this. How unaware can you be of your child? To them, he was just a big tax return and nothing more.
who were they blaming for the lack of attention to their kid? her iphone? everyone else including the gorilla? FFS.
Can we be sure the gorilla didn't have Grodd-like abilities and forced the child to come into the enclosure?

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eyewitnesses mention how the boy Crawled into the pit, he didn't even climb anything. I know everyone is mad but Im kind of amazed how no one in the media seems to be pointing out how awful the fencing on that thing was, or how easily it was for a little boy that was crawling to get inside the thing.

the same fencing has been there for 38 years, Im also very shocked it has not happened before.

Ultimately it's the zoo's responsibility to ensure that its enclosures are secure.
At the end of the day nobody but those immediately involved know the circumstances and events leading up to the child being in that enclosure.

I've got kids. Taking your eye off them for a minute is something that happens to parents almost every single day.

The reports I've read is that the enclosure was easily accessed by anyone inclined to climb a low fence and crawl past a bush - just the type of adventuring one would expect from a four-year old.

A zoo housing a gorilla needs to keep their house in order. If it's easy enough for a parent to keep their kids from wondering then it must be even easier for a zoo to prevent a four-year old from accessing one of its enclosures.
Think it's both the zoo and the parent's fault. If nothing happen, the zoo might as well let these people hand feed the gorillas. And of course, these parents are bad.
Think it's both the zoo and the parent's fault. If nothing happen, the zoo might as well let these people hand feed the gorillas. And of course, these parents are bad.

A few seconds is all it takes to have a child slip from view. You turn around, they're gone. You look around. Maybe you don't look in the right direction at the right time. There are loads of other people around, you have to look through and around all of them. In the meantime, maybe just a few metres away, the kid has crawled through the bush that apparently leads straight to the gorilla enclosure.

What isn't clear is what the parents did. What is clear is that a kid shouldn't be able to find away into an enclosure housing potentially dangerous creatures.

Maybe they're rubbish parents, maybe they're not.

The zoo though has undoubtedly failed in its duty of care to its patrons.
Crusty Juggler|5.31.16 @ 1:21PM|#

I would do anything for my children, and that includes fighting a gorilla. Yeah, I am that great of a parent .

Florida Hipster|5.31.16 @ 1:31PM|#

Another reason not to have children. No impromptu gorilla fights.

RBS|5.31.16 @ 1:42PM|#

See, I think of it as a bonus.

Playa Manhattan.|5.31.16 @ 1:52PM|#

I'd rather do it the old fashioned way. Secret trip to Africa, and then have my dental practice protested.

Necron 99|5.31.16 @ 2:43PM|#

Nothing like a good old fashioned monkey knife fight.