Action Figure Threezero 1/6th scale Mass Effect 3 Legion

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God. They're really dropping the ball with this license. Makes me worry about the Crysis nanosuit.

I didn't order that but I can't see them using that much rubber/soft foam for the body. However the price for crysis is quite high too. Maybe they wanted to achieve the alien skin look for legion hence using more softer material.

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Got my legion in today, i have to echo Chockle's thought here; this really is an average figure at best.

One thing i have to mention is how crappy the rubber "hood" is; it doesn't sit flush to the eye like it does in the games, so it always looks like legion is in a state of shock. Even worse, whenever you turn the head to either side the hood warps horribly, so it looks as if his in-game character model glitched out. I think a dab of glue might fix the former; but i'm not sure about the latter. Threezero has done some good work on their tv show license, even though i'm a gamer i think i'd rather see them stick to that particular niche. Right now i think all the license they've snatched up is straining their resources and it seems their videogame figures are getting the shaft.
Got my legion in today, i have to echo Chockle's thought here; this really is an average figure at best.

One thing i have to mention is how crappy the rubber "hood" is; it doesn't sit flush to the eye like it does in the games, so it always looks like legion is in a state of shock. Even worse, whenever you turn the head to either side the hood warps horribly, so it looks as if his in-game character model glitched out. I think a dab of glue might fix the former; but i'm not sure about the latter. Threezero has done some good work on their tv show license, even though i'm a gamer i think i'd rather see them stick to that particular niche. Right now i think all the license they've snatched up is straining their resources and it seems their videogame figures are getting the shaft.

Yeah I hear ya. So far their game stuff has been the weaker link compared with their TV drama stuff. Even their movie figures arent as good overall. Look at robocop 1.0 and 3.0 for instance.

Threezero are just way too over their heads. Yet everyday there are still new suckers buying into their stuff.
Hmm. I guess this thread will slowly die and then be pushed all way down forever forgotten. Lol.

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Hi guys, basically registered here to ask a few questions about the figure (since unboxing photos are nowhere else to be found). After watching this review on threezero's Master Chief, I am really...concerned, to say the least. Particularly about articulation. Is it possible to pose Legion with Widow? If so, can someone please post a few pictures?
The size of Legion makes me wonder if threezero used this fan-made size chart as reference.


hittosama said:
I've decided to play a little on characters' height, mostly because almost everybody is the same size in the games, even if the codex says Turians are 7ft tall and Krogans even bigger.

Given that Bioware probably didn't provide any official character sizes, threezero probably had to take it upon themselves to do the leg work.
Hi guys, basically registered here to ask a few questions about the figure (since unboxing photos are nowhere else to be found). After watching this review on threezero's Master Chief, I am really...concerned, to say the least. Particularly about articulation. Is it possible to pose Legion with Widow? If so, can someone please post a few pictures?

He can hold the rifle just fine:

Mine arrived today and I have to say I really like it. Is it the best 1/6 scale figure ever? No, but it is hardly a disappointment to me. There seem to be some very critical reviews of the piece that I don't agree with at all. The only "disappointment" I had was that the batteries are not included.
Yeah, the negative talk this and Shephard received actually benefited me as when my Shep arrived my expectations were so low that I ended up really digging the figure. I also got him for for $185 shipped which probably didn't hurt..
i just got legion in the mail today, didnt have to sign anything yippe.

i havent inspected the figure but i will say this

+ i love legion
+ now have a figure of legion
+ rubber suit seems ok.

- height
- packaging

- likely not getting garrus/liara
I got Legion for Xmas from my wife. I really like this figure as well. In fact, I may like him more the Shep. He definitely isn't perfect but I am still more than happy with him. The height is an issue but the hood problem bothers me the most. Has anyone tried gluing the hood to the eye yet? It seems like he would still be able to move his head even with the hood glued down.

In the end, I really really hope that they keep making figures in this line. I never collect more than a couple figures from a particular line but I NEED an entire ME2 cast. :lol

Oh, and happy holidays everyone!

Will threezero continue to make BioWare figures? Really hoping for more Mass Effect and Dragon Age.
Necro bump! :lol

I started to notice this guy was selling out at a few places (Sideshow, BBTS) so I figured what the heck, and ordered him from Amazon for about $170 shipped. Not bad. I put this guy off for a while but now I'm excited to finally get him.

He's still reasonable at most places and I'm sure will be for quite a bit longer. I just didn't want to miss out on what will probably be the only 1:6 figure of my favorite character from the series. It's too bad Threezero abandoned the line (or so it seems). Ah least I got my Legion.
Necro bump! :lol

I started to notice this guy was selling out at a few places (Sideshow, BBTS) so I figured what the heck, and ordered him from Amazon for about $170 shipped. Not bad. I put this guy off for a while but now I'm excited to finally get him.

He's still reasonable at most places and I'm sure will be for quite a bit longer. I just didn't want to miss out on what will probably be the only 1:6 figure of my favorite character from the series. It's too bad Threezero abandoned the line (or so it seems). Ah least I got my Legion.

Nice :duff I think it's time we got another Mass Effect figure :tap *cough Garrus!
I wouldn't have minded them abandoning this line so much if we'd gotten a Garrus first :lol