Super Freak
$300 is a damn fine price, no wonder it disappeared so fast.
Someone at Threezero talking to someone else...
"The Ice sword is such an important accessory for Ned, why did this customer not order directly from our store?"
To be fair, a lot of people became interested outside of threezero's order window. That is what I experienced with Tyrion. I didn't mind not having the dagger so I bought it anyways, but I would not have gotten Ned without Ice. Makes sense to encourage orders from the website but questionable otherwise.
Yeah, I don't know why they even bothered really.looks like a threeA bod, no surprise there. but why bother with that rubber torso sleeve? seems like a added extra cost thats not necessary at all.
You could if you wanted a crunch. It's also peels extremely easy. As you can see at the top of the neck mine has peeled.Could probably just cut the overlay off couldn't we?
Wonder if it's a chance for them to experiment with a new process on a figure where the results are totally hidden so if it doesn't work out quite right, the customer is still OK. Could be something they plan to use on another figure where we'll see the covering.