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I would bet for Silva in that fight, but no way Silva overpowers him. GSP's biggest strength is Silva's biggest weakness. Unless Hendrecks beats Diaz or Macdonald, I don't think he deserves the shot, but obviously the word deserve doesn't mean much in the UFC.
I would bet for Silva in that fight, but no way Silva overpowers him. GSP's biggest strength is Silva's biggest weakness. Unless Hendrecks beats Diaz or Macdonald, I don't think he deserves the shot, but obviously the word deserve doesn't mean much in the UFC.

Diaz doesn't deserve to be in the contender talk at all.
I have to go with Anderson overpowering GSP. Carlos almost kicked his head off...I think Anderson wouldnt have a problem kicking his face in at all. I do think GSP would more than likely get a take down, but I gotta agree with whoever said Anderson getting getting the KO or its gonna be boring match of positions.
Well it seems GSP is passing on the fight. He said he'll fight him in the future basically.

"First and foremost, I have things to do at 170 pounds. When I am ready and when I want the fight, that's when it will happen."
I'm hoping Hendricks will fight GSP then. And Jones fighting Silva

Yep, I wanna see Hendricks KO GSP and the same way GSP passed on Anderson, he will pass on fighting Jon. I think they just need to let that superfight BS go away. Id rather watch Anderson and Jon over GSP and Anderson. Im really looking forward to watching Hendricks take on GSP now.
Could be posturing, but GSP sounds like he doesn't even want the fight anytime soon. At this point, just let Hedricks take his belt I say.
GSP will work Hendricks over! Just too much skills on gsp's side. Avoid the left, use the jab, takedowns. Will be just like the second fight with Kos.
GSP will work Hendricks over! Just too much skills on gsp's side. Avoid the left, use the jab, takedowns. Will be just like the second fight with Kos.

I dont think it will be that easy man. Im not saying GSP cant win, but I dont see it being that easy.
It's not gonna be a one punch KO like some here seem to think either. Hendricks barely beat Kos and Kos was owned by GSP. That said each fight is different but I just don't see Hendricks having what it takes to beat GSP, I would love to see it happen though.
Which is saying something. GSP is the only guy I can think of without a background in wrestling that's consistently out wrestled every high-level wrestler he's ever faced.
I think its interesting how GSPs camp consider Nick the #1 contender now...I mean I want to see that fight, but Nick lost and more than likely wont play ball and follow simple rules. At this point I really just want to see him fight Hendricks.

Also you cant really do MMA math it rarely works. Anyone can win at any given moment even if its not the most impressive way to go. Some one will beat GSP the same way someone will beat Anderson.

I got a funny story - The other day I went with some friends to go get some sushi at a little mom and pops place and while ordering I started to over hear a guy talk about his friends friend of a friend type thing apparently got picked up by UFC a while back. He was signed to a championship fight for $500,000 but never could make it happen and eventually told UFC to screw it and retired at 22-0...

I just sat there like are you ****ing kidding me...I want to just laugh in this guys face and call his bluff on the story but then looking at him I knew he didnt know anything about MMA so I was like whatever. Just thought it was funny, figured Id share the story with you guys.
Looks like GSP vs Diaz is next to a sure thing. Dana said GSP wants Diaz bad, and won't refute him as he's been a good company champion.

Sucks for Hendricks. I wanted the super fight pretty bad too.
GSP is gonna crush Diaz! A fight versus Hendricks would have been much more interesting.
GSP is gonna crush Diaz! A fight versus Hendricks would have been much more interesting.

Yeah I think Dana wants to make his money off of GSP just incase the what if factor of Hendricks comes true. Say Hendricks were to win, he knows he wont be able to market him like he does George. That guy is a fan/PR machine. A company champion for sure. At this point Id rather see Hendricks fight then give Diaz a shot. I just think its funny how George really let Nick get under his skin. Regardless those are both 2 fights I want to see happen for sure.