Re: Vader has left the building!!
Ok guys,
I finally got home to open up Vader...and my new camera!

Great night.
I opened up Vader and he is pretty good. The helmet is better than I thought it would be but is slightly too small. Compare it to Han's head and you will notice what I mean.
It's not as bad as I thought it would be. It even resembles the "Tantive" helmet a bit IMO.
His lenses DO have a slight red tint to them. Very nice!
What I really do not like is the color his chest lights up as....purple?!?!? It just looks really bad and they should have picked red as it would be more accurate. I will try and take some pics.
As I feared, the cape is REALLY big. I did the best I could to "bunch" it up towards Vader's back....but it should be smaller for sure.
What happened Brant!?!? You know we want these pieces to be "screen accurate."
It is probably the best Vader statue released for now. I have owned the Attakus 2 and Cinemacast pieces and both are below Sideshow's Vader for the most part. I cannot comment on Attakus 1 as I have never seen it in person. However, I have always thought the Attakus 1 mask looked off from the "side" angle too....but the pose is great.
Overall, I am pleased with Vader and he is a welcome addition to my collection. He is not perfect but until another company releases a better one, he is a keeper.
On another note, notice how much better my pic looks compared to this one:
PLEASE hire a better photographer Sideshow!