Super Freak
I just find it sad when a returning Iraq War veteran cannot even keep a stable job. Really pisses me off.
Honestly, I believe that if the middle class makes more... we will put more into the pockets of the taxed higher class, spreading the wealth around and having a better minimum wage helps that.
The problem is, that even with high experience... people still run the chance of ending up on minimum wage. A couple of months ago, I was looking everywhere for a job.. And I am a veteran with a high school diploma, who is also attending college and has worked many diverse jobs..
Yet, I couldn't get anything above minimum wage. There were no jobs to be had.
You said yourself earlier that you desired a move, frankly with your skills in art you're doing yourself a huge disservice by sticking in a location that doesn't have jobs and yet something is holding you back. You need to get out of there.
Bull^^^^. It's in a down turn for many reasons, and partly because the government (both Democrats and Republicans) keep politicizing the economy and ^^^^ing with it, which they have for years.
Left to its own devices our economy gave us a housing meltdown and credit crunch.
At least Sideshow is keeping me in mind, if they ever have a spot open...
It doesn't inherently mean any of these things, of course. And it means nothing at all for any business that pays higher than minimum wage in the first place.
How many apartments can you rent on minimum wage?
What does that mean? You mean you'll risk your savings for an outlook 2% profit? LOL.Profit is profit.
I'm sure it sounds very convincing when Rush says it.![]()
yeah because Fannie and Freddie weren't Federal programs or anything....lol.The economy is currently in crisis mode thanks to being left to its own devices.
I hope they do!
Don't forget that many if not most of the upper class invests in stocks and other instruments rather than starting businesses and hiring workers. Yet people still swallow the myth.
Yeah, that had absolutely NOTHING to do with the Clinton Admin (and an agreeable congress) pushing for less under-writing for home loans.
I'm not sure your point makes sense in light of your previous arguement. We're not talking about business that pay higher than minimum wage. We're talking specifically about minimum wage, and of course nothing is inherent, althougth statistics will always correlate to my points.
What does that mean? You mean you'll risk your savings for an outlook 2% profit?
yeah because Fannie and Freddie weren't Federal programs or anything.
Stocks=businesses dude.
I'm sorry, I thought you said the economy should be left alone as a self-sustaining system. Wall Street pushed the ARMs and subprimes and HELOCs and created the MBS and other derivatives that created this mess.
Obviously they don't as the general economic trend is upward over time. You're also claiming a macro effect from micro action; pointing to the numerous unaffected companies belies the claim.
Consumer responsibiltiy had nothing to do with it of course.
You can look them up.
Look up what?
The statistics.
Barb, you're so misinformed its not even funny.
From the Fannie Mae FAQ: "Fannie Mae has a unique heritage as a leading financial institution. First established in 1938 as a government agency, Fannie Mae in 1968 became a private, shareholder-owned company with a charter from Congress to support the housing finance system. "
And regarding stocks, the ownership of stocks is an ownership in a company. The exchange of stocks does not create new income, but the owners of the stocks are the rudder that steers the boat in the direction to MAKE money and either distribute dividends or reinvest profits which creates jobs...