Is there a specific thing about Barack Obama that makes you guys trust him or is it more of a distrust for McCain and Republicans?
Is there a specific thing about Barack Obama that makes you guys trust him or is it more of a distrust for McCain and Republicans?
I trust him because he seems to genuinely want to change things for the better, he's not altering his position later just to appease potential voters, and I also like that he shares my views on many subjects.
Plus he enunciates and intelligent.
(I mailed in my ballot today, guess who I voted for?)
I trust him because he seems to genuinely want to change things for the better, he's not altering his position later just to appease potential voters, and I also like that he shares my views on many subjects.
Plus he enunciates and intelligent.
(I mailed in my ballot today, guess who I voted for?)
Again, thats me. After the last 8 years I'm not sure I can trust the other side ever again. I'm seriously that far gone from those guys.
Your experience in the war. Is it something that you can talk about. I would like to here about your time over there, and what happened to you that made you change to who you are today.Same here... my family is very Republican, I was raised around it. But after my experience in the war and watching Bush these past 8 yrs, I don't know if I will ever see eye to eye with that party or the right ever again...
But that's just my life and experience speaking.
So you guys dislike Republicans more than you like Obama?
So you guys dislike Republicans more than you like Obama?
So you guys dislike Republicans more than you like Obama?
So you guys dislike Republicans more than you like Obama?
No, I disliked Republicans before I knew anything about Obama. I like Obama a lot, it's not simply a case of "I hate Republicans, so I will vote any Democrat into office". I didn't vote for Kerry, because I didn't like him all that much. I didn't vote Bush either, I abstained.
For me it's not about Republicans or Democrats. It's about who I think can do a better job for this country. Is that crazy thinking?
Your experience in the war. Is it something that you can talk about. I would like to here about your time over there, and what happened to you that made you change to who you are today.
Ah so it is a vote against the Repubs not a vote for Obama!
Not crazy at all, what I'm trying to drive at is finding whether people are cheering on Obama because he's the democrat on the ticket or cheering on Obama because he's Obama.
If anyone is really voting for Obama because he's Obama, I want to know who they think Obama is. Maybe I'm not traveling in the right circles to know what he's ever done in government. What bills he's proposed, etc. Right now he just seems like all glitter to me.
A lady I know told me "Every generation has a chance to elect their president, that represents them. For me, it was JFK. I think it is your time." I agree.