I was in the Navy, was an AM (Aircraft Mechanic) on F-14's... stationed in Atsugi, Japan with VF-154 "The Black Knights". When 9/11 happened, I was very much ready for payback and our squadron eventually was deployed to fight the War on Terror.
We did our part and never questioned our mission, but later once Iraq started to become a hot button issue.. we'd all watch the news and wait to see what was going to happen.
Even then, we had theories about why we were being sent over there. What with Iraq's economy in ruins, their military strength dimmed, and the lack of evidence for WMD's... it didn't seem like something that was going to become a reality.
But, it happened. And we got to hear from our Admirals the gaggle of half truths and shady phrases that were being used by the Bush administration to sell the country on invading Iraq. It seemed genuine, but the men were confused. Some of us felt that we were being misdirected, that our National pain was about to be aimed at someone else... The President using our bruised pride for his own ends.
So we fought, and we took the country in mere days. Fake Wars last longer, it was a joke. And when Bush went on TV and gave his "Mission Accomplished" speech, we all rolled our eyes because we knew we'd still be out there for another 7 months or so... maybe longer.
I guess I saw it more clearly because I was in the system, because I was spoon fed the crap. It just never sat right with me, I felt used. And the subsequent years of soldiers dying, and endless cruises for Sailors in Iraq... it's just rubbed salt in the wounds.
I didn't know that I was indeed a Liberal, even then... I just knew I had passionate beliefs that weren't shared by all of my shipmates or friends. I know now though, and I will never forget why I chose that path.

One of the best posts on this political threads!
Hats off!!
Some people don't seem to realize that no matter how you put it, the INVASION of Iraq is WRONG, and should've never happened... and seems they also believe that even though we know it's wrong, keep doing it regardless of everything that has happened...