Super Freak
Want at least $56K/Year. What courses should I take?
I've only skimmed through this thread, but has anyone actually asked you what you're interested in?
Want at least $56K/Year. What courses should I take?
Get a CDL and drive a truck, you only have to be slightly smarter than a monkey and you dont even need to speak English. You can make well over $56k a year and you dont even have to shower or wear shirts.
True Story
Or you could just put some of your lazy ass wives to work.
Get a CDL and drive a truck, you only have to be slightly smarter than a monkey and you dont even need to speak English. You can make well over $56k a year and you dont even have to shower or wear shirts.
True Story
Or you could just put some of your lazy ass wives to work.
Click the sig.![]()
You have no idea![]()
Every time I think of truckers, I remember that tranny dude in the one-piece on Cops.![]()
you need to work where i work. truck drivers aren't allowed inside for security reasons. they have their own little "pen" if you will, that they gotta stay "corralled" in.
You have no idea![]()
Airsoft is for guys who are to scared to get hurt by a paintball.![]()
Airsoft is for guys who don't wanna run around in pink spandex, hiding behind ding dongs and chopping balls.![]()
l have played paintball in wooded areas with forts, trenches and cabins, not once did l see another player in pink spandex.![]()
l have played paintball in wooded areas with forts, trenches and cabins, not once did l see another player in pink spandex.![]()
It's a silly, yet true aspect of Speedball, aka the mainstream version of paintball. Personally, I think the whole airsoft vs. paintball pissing contest is more for little peckered paintballers who feel their manhood threatened because a more realistic cousin, that's 1:1 to real rifles and utilizes real gear has moved into the action pursuit game. I quit paintballing when airsoft hit the scene because every single aspect about it is just better, and haven't looked back since.
l would find airsoft boring. There is no fear there, getting hit in the face or the head by a speading paintball will make you think twice before coming out of cover, trust me l had a goose egg on my head for almost a week from that happening. That fear ads to the adrenaline, not only that getting shot anywhere hurts.
In airsoft most of these guys have army gear on, if they get hit by the little plastic balls they will hardly feel it, then there is really no way you know if you hit the guy, or if you hit him he can say no you didn't. There is none of that in paintball, you know when you get hit and you know when you hit the other guy.
The only good thing about Airsoft is you have real looking weapons, except they make that annoying motor sound. l saw a Canadian army training video, they had their real rifles with real shell casings, instead of a bullet in the shell they had a hollow capsule filled with paint, now that would be the ultimate paintball.
That's an ignorant statement. There's more to a game than just pain. Airsoft has more to do with strategy I look at it like chess, with paintball being checkers.
Another ignorant statement. Paintballers wear masks and pads and even padded gloves. Airsofters mainly just BDUs and a vest. You also might want to learn the concept of inertia. The limits for airsoft are 350-400fps. That's a hell of a lot hotter than the average paintball field. While the impact site is smaller, you still feel it. As far as cheaters go, they're in both. Paint rubbing happens all the time
And? So what?
I don't get why you feel the constant need to run at the mouth like some poster child for the Gump foundation. You read like a smart-mouthed punk who talks out his ass most of the time with little to no knowledge of what he's talking about using ignorant opinions as facts.
At this point, I'm gonna consider any further bull____ you have to say about airsoft as insulting my profession and will report it as a personal attack. Seriously man, grow the ____ up or go whine about your Fox hat some more, I don't care. But this part of the discussion is done.![]()
wow, cry like a baby why don't you. I like paintball you like airsoft, big deal. I wasn't bashing Airsoft one bit, my opinion of why l like one game over the other your going to take as an attack, okay then.
I'm just saying fear of pain adds to the whole experience, and it's more of an up close brutal assault style game then Airsoft. They're different games, l was just stating why l like one over the other. why do you get offended so easy when l clearly didn't bash the game or say bad things about it?