but 300 is empty piffle. Which is actually rather damning in my opinion considering the drama inherent in the situation!
*shrugs* 300 the comic is empty piffle. What do you expect?
but 300 is empty piffle. Which is actually rather damning in my opinion considering the drama inherent in the situation!
*shrugs* 300 the comic is empty piffle. What do you expect?
Better, frankly.
It just seems lame to me to blame Snyder for 300 ultimately being an empty, one dimensional story.
And if the Watchmen script is ultimately disappointing to some, take issue with David Hayter and Alex Tse.
I see your point, but Star Wars is a much much better film all around than Jedi, arguably on the directing side as well.
I thought the film actually was better than the graphic novel, because at least characters like Leonidas has a little life and weight to them.
I was talking about the direction. Star Wars is actually a terrible script. So much of that movie is down to George Lucas as a director. Whereas Return of the Jedi was more or less gutted by the woeful direction of Richard Marquand. A great deal of the one-dimensionality of 300 is down to Zack Snyder, although I agree you can't make gold out of sh...
Ah. I see. Star Wars is a great script, certainly better than RotJ. It's just an adventure initiation story and a damn good one IMO. Not sure why you'd call it terrible but to each their own. Now the PT, those are terrible scripts with terrible directing.
Some of the concepts behind ANH are brilliant and the plot appeals to the myth-hungry in everyone. But you have to admit that the dialogue is just as bad as anything in the PT. As Ford said to Lucas, "you may be able to write this ^^^^, but you can't say it."
Not just that - the structure is bizarre. How many other films ask us to spend 20 minutes or so with ancillary characters who become more or less irrelevant after the protagonist appears? Lucas deserves a lot of credit for making that work, especially considering they aren't even people and one of them can't speak!
How many other films ask us to spend 20 minutes or so with ancillary characters who become more or less irrelevant after the protagonist appears?
Some of the concepts behind ANH are brilliant and the plot appeals to the myth-hungry in everyone. But you have to admit that the dialogue is just as bad as anything in the PT.
"Hold me like you did by the lake on Naboo, so long ago when there was nothing but our love."![]()
I dont know about you but I said this very thing to my wife the other day!
Well, not the exact same thing, it was more like "Hold me like you did by the lake when I was shrooming, so long ago when there was nothing but you, me and that pink elephant."
This thread has inspired me to re-read....wow, i've noticed SO much new stuff. I love this ^^^^in book!![]()
I saw a pink elephant once but it was after eating one of those KFC bowls. That ^^^^ got me crunk.