Super Freak
I can picture it already....
Steve Rogers sees Captain America's shield....."I have got to get me one of those"

Steve Rogers sees Captain America's shield....."I have got to get me one of those"

Josh Lucas would make a good Cap IMO
Before I get blasted, I'm going on record to admit my embarrassment but I think Leo DeCaprio is a good choice to play Cap.
Fire away.....![]()
Ok Chuck Norris can be the next Captain America
A small flaw in casting Chuck Norris as Captain America. Chuck Norris doesn't need a shield to dodge bullets. What would Cap be without a shield?![]()
Hmmmm I see your point well I guese Chuck Norris doesn't need boots a costume or a mask with wings, so then we'll cast Chuck Norris as..... well.... CHUCK NORRIS!!!
*casting director
"Ok Chuck, I think we've seen enough, we'll be in contact shortly... We'll have our ppl contact you..."
Will Smith plays the same character in every Action movie:
Independence Day: Awww Hells No!! I ain't dealin' with no jive turkey aliens.
MIB I and II: Awww Hells No!! I ain't dealin' with no jive turkey aliens.
I, Robot: Awww Hells No!! I ain't dealin' with no jive turkey robots.
I am Legend: Awww Hells No!! I ain't dealin' with no jive turkey mutants.
New Script for Captain America
Awww Hells No!! I ain't dealin' with no jive turkey nazis.
hey guys this rumor is total BS heres the link:https://comicbookmovie.com/news/articles/5007.asp
Agreed. No offense to anyone, but it just wouldnt make any sense! The original choice for Cap in the comics is two fold. He is to be a symbol of the all american man, and it was no accident that he looked as "Arian" as he did. The idea was to mock the Nazi's by attacking them with thier own idea of the perfect man.
Niether of those hold up if it is played by a black man. In the 1940's racism was still very much acceptable, and a black man would definately NOT represent an american to the narrow minded majority of 1940. Second, it doesnt mock the Nazi's but fuels thier hatred of "non-arians".
Unfortunately the only level that it would work on, would be the "disposable black man for research" idea (which could and did exist back in the '40s). But I think that would be an AWEFUL motivation for the movie.
Again, these are not my opinions on race, but just truths of the 1940's attitude!