I use to be a big capital punishment guy. Thing is, if I thought it was really a deterrent I would still be very much a pro capital punishment guy. But it takes so long from the time one kills till the execution that it really has little to no effect. (it should take a long time because that is how our justice system works and we need to know we have the right man) Add to that that a nut is not thinking rationally so even swift justice would not mean a thing. Also many murders are a crime of passion. Which is another can of worms with this subject. Serial Killers and killers like this guy are a different matter. It's really deeper then many like to make it out to be.
I also worry about those that could be executed wrongly. Nothing worse then that.
However I will not care at all if he recieved the death penalty. Once you take a life in such away, IMO you sacrafice your right to life. I have no compasion for him and feel there are bigger issues to discuss then how we treat this killer.
I also find it strange that so many who are against capital punishment tend to be pro choice (not to say anyone here is that way) I just find it strange that people worry more about a killers life then a childs. I should also state I am not talking about times when the mothers life is in danger or in case of rape. And even if you don't thing the child is alive until birth, one can't deny it is a potential human life.
Not to get a pro life pro choice argument going. I just really don't understand the defense of the guilty and the lack of caring for an innocent.
Again I am not saying anyone here feels that way but I have run into many who have those views and actually try to turn the argument the other way. ie "if you are pro life then you can't be pro capital punishment because that is a life"
Enough of the rant.
I feel so much for the families and I am happy to hear that so far it has not directly effected anyone on this board.