That wasn't what I was saying. But some of you people pretend as if you have empathy for the victims families.
But it goes as far as to what you agree with. If their feelings was to blow up the world or maybe kill the murderer and his family, would you still have empathy? No. You would have empathy with the part where they feel sorrow but you wouldn't agree with their illogical emotions that they are having after being the victims of something so terrible, would you say that people make logical decisions in times like that? I don't think so. And not all families have said they want the murderer dead. We haven't heard it, yet everyone claims they have empathy as if the victims all feel the same.
No, people here have personal feelings about this. That's what it is all about.
And not everyone would have the same feelings. What good will it do when we have killed the murderer. What idiotic satisfaction have it given you? More killing. Wow.
And please stop it with the religious fairy tale bull. There is no hell, the only place where he can rot is in jail where he deserves to be.
When you step in Dog Poop, do you wipe it off or leave it there?