Which Terminator movie is your favorite?

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Your favorite Terminator movie?

  • The Terminator

    Votes: 106 41.6%
  • T2

    Votes: 145 56.9%
  • T3

    Votes: 4 1.6%

  • Total voters
as mentioned earlier... these movies aren't Shawshank Redemption. so, i kinda lump them all together.
the only one that stands out is T3 because it had the best special effects, which is what these movies are all about anyway.

Salvation will look even better.
and not having to put up with Arnold again will be a nice change.

you have to see it in its time, and if you look at it that way T2 had the better effects than T3.
T2 won 4 oscars, T3 nothing.

of course T2 was an "older" movie, but comparing to T3 it still looks great. I thought T2 had a more real feel to it than T3.
Of course T4 will have the best looking CGI, cause this is 2009, but if you judge movies by there recent CGI you are overlooking the most important element that makes these movie rule: the story! and T3 was a bad terminator movie compared to the first 2 in story telling.
T2 for me.
T1 was great and all, but for a complete filmic experience, the sequel trumped the original in almost every department. now i'm not talking abt premise, because obviously u can't top an original idea (which wasn't that original to be honest, just ask harlan ellison).

but i mean in terms of the craft involved, T2 was superior. visual effects, sound, editing, score (brad fiedel actually improved and expanded on his iconic theme), cinematography, etc.

indeed, like I said already, the perfect discription of T2 would be: T1 with a big budget :)
there's no poll choice for Salvation. but i'm picking it because there's no crappy Arnold in it.

Are you seriously saying that Terminator would be better off without Arnold?Sure he was a terrible actor but perfect for Terminator imo.
Are you seriously saying that Terminator would be better off without Arnold?Sure he was a terrible actor but perfect for Terminator imo.

No doubt in a million years that Arnold was both cheesy and horrible in acting but you can't tell me the man wasn't a perfect Terminator!

T2 FTW!! :rock :rock I thought this was the greatest movie sequel ever until The Dark Knight came out :D

Actually thats an excellent comparision, TDK has to be #1 in that department. Still I liked Batman Begins just as much as TDK.
"Deee Connah,cuud`a see`e pleezzzz,ay heed see wazzz heeaaa"
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"Deee Connah,cuud`a see`e pleezzzz,ay heed see wazzz heeaaa"

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I think I'm a little biased to T2 because of my age. By the time I was old enough to appreciate the times I was living in it was around T2 times and while the story and events of T1 are not dated, they still work decades later, the visuals are quite dated, like Terminator's clothes and Sarah's hair, and I'm a very visual person and I don't like the goofy punk clothes on the Terminator, or his pre-burn pretty hair, I love the biker setup and spiked look from T2. I also enjoy the T2 score more, even though it's a number of reused themes from T1, it has a much more contemporary sound to it than T1.

I have to say, if Christian Bale weren't in Salvation, I probably wouldn't care about seeing it. Maybe that doesn't make me a "true" Terminator fan, but whatever. For me, Arnold IS the Terminator and as cool as some of the new stuff in Salvation will be, it just won't feel like a true Terminator movie without and Arnie T-800, but I love Bale's acting and I look forward to seeing what he does.
I said I wouldn't vote but I watched T1 yesterday and T2 today and I've decided that T1 is the better film due to its superior pacing. T2 slows down a lot in the middle and I think I prefer Terminator with less humour. T2's humour was natural enough due to the situation of a child teaching a Terminator but it unfortunately gave birth to the mistaken idea that any Terminator film thereafter had to be funny -thus the forced humour of T3.

T1, dated effects and haircuts notwithstanding, seems to work better. And I really really really want figures from this film.
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