Its simple. You cannot argue that Palpatine was all knowing and had planned everything to fall perfectly into place with every possible contingency and he couldn't foresee friggin' ewoks!!
Or are we to assume he ordered the Jedi killed, knowing they would escape, with the queen, stop off at Tatooine, pick up the Chosen One, kick out Valorum, have Padme beat the federation, have Padme survive several assassination attempts, set up Jango to be tracked by Obi Wan so that Anakin and Padme can be in peril saving him so they fall in love, after he had the sand people kill Shmi, so Anakin can slaughter them, have the Jedi arrive in time to rescue the trio, have the clones arrive to save the Jedi, start a war, get himself kidnapped, survive a crash landing, distract Obi Wan with Grievious long enough to corrupt Anakin, perfectly estimate four Jedi masters, keep Yoda with the wookiees guess Obi Wan would only maim Anakin and not kill him and take over the galaxy.
Everything happened by his design my Irish butt! If you still believe he pulled off all that and more the SW saga is worse than Young And The Restless!!